Granny's gone and done it again

OMG :eek: are you insane ??????????? :lol: And should I "say here hold my beer first ??" as it sure sounds like "a bubba" moment to me.
TSC had clearanced fruit, those packaged ones. I got two figs and two jostaberry. I made sure to only pick plants that were leafy and green. Also got clearanced chick feeders, dog chews, mealworms, and flower seeds. 73 degrees so I’m going to sun while I garden! Bubba already has quite a dark ring around his neck and his feet are extremely white. :lau
TSC had clearanced fruit, those packaged ones. I got two figs and two jostaberry. I made sure to only pick plants that were leafy and green. Also got clearanced chick feeders, dog chews, mealworms, and flower seeds. 73 degrees so I’m going to sun while I garden! Bubba already has quite a dark ring around his neck and his feet are extremely white. :lau

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