Granny's gone and done it again

there is addicts and drug dependents, My body is dependent on them as in its used to them and WDs will come stopping cold turkey. They dont make me high and I dont crave them. an addict gets high from them and will do anything to get their fix including other drugs. I cant understand what people get out of them except for some pain relief. That is why dr said I will never be an addict.
I’m the same way. I had withdrawals when I went off seizure meds. I hate taking anything. It has to be bad for me to take something.
Robert had seizures when he went off his seizure meds. statis eleptis or however you spell it. we were in er all night with me watching him have one right after another.
that’s scary. I remember when I’d have them. I could feel myself start going. I’d get this weird tingle in my nose, then feel like I was being sucked out of my body to blackness.
He would have absent seizures . I wouldnt know he even had one til I seen he messed himself. That broke my heart. He didnt know either
I honestly never heard of the other types until kinda recently (last few years) you only ever hear about the grand mal. And that’s probably because they are so violent.

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