Granny's gone and done it again

Oh I dont remember the snow. Ya, I guess that would make a difference. I have heard a long time back and probably not true at all that pups born in spring are better at everything. health too

hummm I will have to see how that plays out here. Although Yuri was a winter baby as well.
I do. Currently I have 6, but my oldest dog is failing unfortunately. She's an Australian shepherd. Almost 14 years old. Than I have a 8 year old Chihuahua rat terrier mix, a 7 year old boxer, a 6 year old Australian shepherd, a 5 year old French bulldog Boston terrier mix, and a 4 month old Boston terrier French bulldog mix. All are females. :)
Im sorry to hear about your old girl. My cocker is 12 yrs and scares me to think about it. Did any of them have blue eyes ? I think those are very pretty dogs and smart too . thats a lot of puppy chow . hahahaa
Im sorry to hear about your old girl. My cocker is 12 yrs and scares me to think about it. Did any of them have blue eyes ? I think those are very pretty dogs and smart too . thats a lot of puppy chow . hahahaa
My old dog has 1 1/2 blue eyes. I have been doing my fair share of crying. She's on steroids to stimulate her appetite because she stopped eating and to help with any discomfort. All test came back that she's fine except for a low platelet count. We are assuming she has some sort of cancer. :hmm We are taking it day by day.

My dogs don't eat as much as one would expect. It's probably because of all the extra stuff I give them like half my lunch, and baked chicken.
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