Granny's gone and done it again

Cap, I got a thingy. LOL Like you used to make. baked and glazed. Material is like the clay pots which is safe for fish but not sure about paint. I have had it in water for over a week now and nothing is pealing . How safe would it be for tank?
Cap, I got a thingy. LOL Like you used to make. baked and glazed. Material is like the clay pots which is safe for fish but not sure about paint. I have had it in water for over a week now and nothing is pealing . How safe would it be for tank?
It depends if the glaze used is food safe, which would be listed on the jar it comes in. But no telling on a finished piece, unless I knew the glaze by looking at it.
Twist thanks.

Well. Sick hen is still hanging in there. No improvement on breathing sounds - hubs got home earlier though and said she was chattering at him and moving about but was “picky” with the chicken scratch - went for the sunflower seeds and mealworms and ignored the rest.

He picked up steaks from the butcher and I cooked some sweet taters and prepared a salad to go with it. He ended up doing a honey cinnamon butter to go with the sweet potatoes too which was yummy. And then for dessert we had leftover cupcakes from my work.

Work is going to be nuts until I figure some stuff out. We took on a “prevailing wage” job - which means we have to pay our guys a rate set by the government based on what they do - and we have to send in payroll reports and some other now I need to figure out which crews (luckily the main one that will be on this job that foremen is pretty good and organized with his paperwork!) and who on which crew does what (that’s where our assistant soops comes in - funny thing the other admin who has been terrorized by prevailing wage over eight years ago lectured me on how “he’s never done this you can’t ask him how to do it!” And I said I know. He’s not an admin, he’s not a payroll person BUT he does know the guys and what they do in the field - which we don’t know, and THATS what I’m getting from him! And of course Boss Son comes over at one point and says oh well ask me anything and I looked at him and said dude, you know just as little as me. Give me some time I’ll figure it out and then I’ll talk to you about it. (What I didn’t say but I would have LOVED to say was GET IN YOUR LANE BOY YOU DONT DO PAYROLL) but I ended up throwing “stress chicken” at him pretty good for insinuating some gender confusion with our mail lady. Don’t have much tolerance for that crap. (She’s super sweet too). Commented on how I could only get away with throwing stress chicken cause it was my birthday and I said nope, doesn’t need to be my birthday. Just ask main superintendent or other guesstimator. Stress chicken flies whenever!

Anyway. Work. Yay. Fun. SHOOT that reminds me. Need to grab my headphones - there’s some webinars on prevailing wage I should partake - and I don’t feel like eating up my data just for the sole purpose of listening on my air pods.

Got to do feedings at the mother in law’s starting tomorrow night - so sneaking away from work early. Got my sloggers lysoled and loaded in the truck (don’t think it matters - I haven’t worn them in forever just cause they’re tricky with jeans) so I’ll change into gym attire at the office, go to mil’s house, put on sloggers and a big ol shirt of hubs’ just so I don’t hay up my top lol and then go work out, come home, shower, and repeat tomorrow - making sure to not wear the same things to her house as my flock sees me in. I hope that’s enough.

No signs of respiratory issues with the other chickens.

Bucky picked a fight with hubs this morning though - I left for work at 5:30 so he had to deal with the main he’s after me to get rid of all the roos. Or at least two. He may tolerate the Easter egger until he goes jerky - since they seem to get along ok....but now I’m questioning my logic of having Bucky stay the flock protector. I can’t use him to stud - he’s got that nose whistle - an undesirable trait! Wyandotte roo is right out - he’s also a jerk. So I don’t know. Sigh. And I fear what would happen if I did have Bucky roaming with the flock. Would he go after hubs whenever hubs ventured outside? Or ventured in to see the chickens? Sigh.
I bet this would be good for your cracked skin, granny.
It sure is expensive,wonder if you could make your own. Buy probiotics and make a spray out of them.


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Twist thanks.

Well. Sick hen is still hanging in there. No improvement on breathing sounds - hubs got home earlier though and said she was chattering at him and moving about but was “picky” with the chicken scratch - went for the sunflower seeds and mealworms and ignored the rest.

He picked up steaks from the butcher and I cooked some sweet taters and prepared a salad to go with it. He ended up doing a honey cinnamon butter to go with the sweet potatoes too which was yummy. And then for dessert we had leftover cupcakes from my work.

Work is going to be nuts until I figure some stuff out. We took on a “prevailing wage” job - which means we have to pay our guys a rate set by the government based on what they do - and we have to send in payroll reports and some other now I need to figure out which crews (luckily the main one that will be on this job that foremen is pretty good and organized with his paperwork!) and who on which crew does what (that’s where our assistant soops comes in - funny thing the other admin who has been terrorized by prevailing wage over eight years ago lectured me on how “he’s never done this you can’t ask him how to do it!” And I said I know. He’s not an admin, he’s not a payroll person BUT he does know the guys and what they do in the field - which we don’t know, and THATS what I’m getting from him! And of course Boss Son comes over at one point and says oh well ask me anything and I looked at him and said dude, you know just as little as me. Give me some time I’ll figure it out and then I’ll talk to you about it. (What I didn’t say but I would have LOVED to say was GET IN YOUR LANE BOY YOU DONT DO PAYROLL) but I ended up throwing “stress chicken” at him pretty good for insinuating some gender confusion with our mail lady. Don’t have much tolerance for that crap. (She’s super sweet too). Commented on how I could only get away with throwing stress chicken cause it was my birthday and I said nope, doesn’t need to be my birthday. Just ask main superintendent or other guesstimator. Stress chicken flies whenever!

Anyway. Work. Yay. Fun. SHOOT that reminds me. Need to grab my headphones - there’s some webinars on prevailing wage I should partake - and I don’t feel like eating up my data just for the sole purpose of listening on my air pods.

Got to do feedings at the mother in law’s starting tomorrow night - so sneaking away from work early. Got my sloggers lysoled and loaded in the truck (don’t think it matters - I haven’t worn them in forever just cause they’re tricky with jeans) so I’ll change into gym attire at the office, go to mil’s house, put on sloggers and a big ol shirt of hubs’ just so I don’t hay up my top lol and then go work out, come home, shower, and repeat tomorrow - making sure to not wear the same things to her house as my flock sees me in. I hope that’s enough.

No signs of respiratory issues with the other chickens.

Bucky picked a fight with hubs this morning though - I left for work at 5:30 so he had to deal with the main he’s after me to get rid of all the roos. Or at least two. He may tolerate the Easter egger until he goes jerky - since they seem to get along ok....but now I’m questioning my logic of having Bucky stay the flock protector. I can’t use him to stud - he’s got that nose whistle - an undesirable trait! Wyandotte roo is right out - he’s also a jerk. So I don’t know. Sigh. And I fear what would happen if I did have Bucky roaming with the flock. Would he go after hubs whenever hubs ventured outside? Or ventured in to see the chickens? Sigh.
I hope our had a good birthday.steaks sound good.

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