Granny's gone and done it again

Morning all, No rest for the wicked
I am having a hard time today. Tom is confused. It makes me so sad. He keeps telling me his drs appt is tomorrow and I keep telling him its not. I wrote it down. He thinks he is going for surgery on his feet. Its the wound clinic . He has another open area on top of his big toe. I wonder if he is getting gangrene? Heading that way I am afraid. Its the leg he didnt get fixed. Its one of those things that makes me look calm on the outside while I am screaming inside
I am having a hard time today. Tom is confused. It makes me so sad. He keeps telling me his drs appt is tomorrow and I keep telling him its not. I wrote it down. He thinks he is going for surgery on his feet. Its the wound clinic . He has another open area on top of his big toe. I wonder if he is getting gangrene? Heading that way I am afraid. Its the leg he didnt get fixed. Its one of those things that makes me look calm on the outside while I am screaming inside
Sorry Granny, it is going to be a rough road ahead. Hugs.
Thanks Cap. Ya, I know its going to be bad. I honestly wonder if If I will come out the other side intact. We have been together so long and I have took care of him for many years. I hate to see him in this pain and confusion but I cant let go.
There is no easy answer. You can only do so much. Just give him love and understanding.

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