Granny's gone and done it again

My fish filter makes a weird noise. Oh I know, its low on water. Too low . Can I get Robert to add to at least one tank because mom is in bad shape today? 3rd time asking the charm? Dont know cause Im not going for 3rds. Shame on you Robert.
Note on fridge sezs. No cooking tomorrow because I had to fill the tank . Fend for yourself. Like he would even care. He never eats what I cook anyway. The shake and bake chicken was "sandy" til he learned I added a little lemon/pepper seasoning then it was "gross". I cant get through to him. My Star is still limping bad til I let her go outside that is. Then she flys off the porch and comes back limping . Think I will try a baby aspirin. I feel for some reason I shouldnt. IDK, her age maybe ? Guess I can do just a little water and make a few trips.

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