Granny's gone and done it again

I do if I want to eat. And I like to eat every day! Nothing fancy for sure. DD1 will cook sometimes. Always more interesting that what I would make, also a TON more time and preparation dishes/bowls/utensils to wash.

We had 47° and rain today, nothing like squishy ground over frozen ground. Supposed to drop temp all night to a low of 14° at 4 AM Monday. No suggestion of it hitting 32° in the next 6 days. Supposed to be 3° at 5 AM Thursday, winter may be here to stay. Supposed to get winds in the upper 20s to high 30s from 6 AM tomorrow until 9 PM.

our high on your "yesterday" was 8 above BUT other then your warm temps sounds like you are moving closer to me. :lol:
Went with dh to make house payment, went in Walgreens to look for lights for the tree. Buy one, get one free. 1400 lights for 12.99 + tax.

IF you have the tree in front of the window you can just open and close the drapes and VIOLA your a lighthouse. Sure sounds Purdy tho
What are you up to today, Twist?
I need to unload the wood from the truck so I have lots of room when I go shopping tomorrow.

LOTS of shopping sounds expensive

well need to get to mass yet this am, didn't get there last night as I was still baking cookies, I must have rolled the logs smaller as last sat a 3x batch did about 25 dozen and yesterday I got 36 dozen. I "think" that's about it for baking this season. Still need to do Christmas card and some decorating soonish. Today it's gonna be sort of a lazy day. Just laundry and some cleaning in kitchen Besides watching the motel.
Hubby is very disappointed that I don't like dumplings. They just taste like flour to me.

OMG I love dumplings :drool:drool from scratch or with bisquick , and any "extra" I just fry in butter and onions the next day. BIG thing in this area of the state is very small dumplings and sauerkraut cooked together and then IF your feeling generous/rich you throw in some homemade country style sausage.

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