Granny's gone and done it again

You make good points. I was thinking of those people who can't live without their beer bashes and rock concerts and beach parties, elbow to elbow, wall to wall, hundreds of people, no masks, super spreader events that are driving up the numbers of deaths and just don't care. There has to be a way to make this work for everyone. If we ALL make SMALL sacrifices, we can make it through. I know we can.
Sorry, I missed this. Yes, young people mostly in those situations. Must be hard to keep a mask on when you're drunk! From the beginning, I thought the focus should be to protect those at higher risk of dying. Then if the youth spread it around amongst themselves they would speed up herd immunity. Maybe the lock downs should have been within the universities... keep them all from bringing it home. Lots of problems with that of course. No easy answers. I heard today even China is back to locking down some large cities. And when they lock down, it's literal!
And I have been enjoying working on my latest diamond painting.
I am really disappointed in not visiting Red Lobster for my birthday, and our anniversary. At least hubby has been cooking more seafood.
Have I missed your Bday? I hope not. Im eating for everyone tomorrow ! What do you want ?

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