Granny's gone and done it again

New to this thread and going to jump in. I have had dogs all my life. My favourite was one I adopted from Humane Society when she was 3 years old and a fat tub of a dog. She had a German Shepherd base but there must have been lots of other contributors to her family tree. When someone asked about her I would say she was a Pure Bred Canadian. They usually looked confused and changed the subject.
3 months ago I adopted an 18 months old German Shepherd. He is the 5th shepherd I have owned. Previous owners returned him to breeder after deciding he was not an ideal apartment dog. Really - what were they thinking? Anyway, it has been like adopting a toddler who has a heart of gold but no manners. Professional training help is really paying off.
I hope to one day grow up and be a professional trainer. I do agility with my dog right now. We're not national quality, but he's fast and pretty accurate. He's 8 years old march 13th! Hasn't slowed down a bit.

Adopted him in 2013. All the dogs I've remembered owning have been mutts, great dogs, but they've all had behavior issues, common in rescues. Their genetics are everywhere. I'd really like at least one stable, well tempered dog (it makes all the difference) , and then I'll probably go back to rescue dogs. I love them <3

GSDs (and most dogs) can do well in Apartments if their owners spend time walking them.. but most people don't. Its sad, really.

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