Granny's gone and done it again

Omg is the SIL on BYC
one of them are and you know what? I dont care. every thing I said is true. I have taken what food I have over there many times to feed them when they didnt have a thing to eat. and thats his beef, why would I say that. well, I say it because I am trying to help CB and you guys have good advise for me. and its part of his problems and its true and Its a free country and I can say what I please.
I will have to pick a day in june and have a 2nd. birthday I guess.
We got everything done outside !!! chicks moved , brooders cleaned, these new ones took out. Remember how I said I only got one polish from this last batch ? Its not polish either. Its half apple spitter. Already has its moms feather colors/spots.

So heres the dealio , We are breaking records for high temps. 78 degrees. Thunderstorms moving in with slight chance of tornado. High tomorrow 36 wind chills making it feel like 20 and snow. WHAT ?? Please tell me weatherman is drunk ..

why sounds like our sort of normal winter weather lately and Your are Welcome for me sharing the "wealth"

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