Granny's gone and done it again

Can't cure stupid, @h2oratt. Mid-west winters seasons you as far as weather extremes are concerned. Last year we were snowed/iced in for two months. One of the perks of living on a gravel road. The road commissioner never did plow the road.

I always make sure to keep two months' supply of food, meds and feed for dogs, cats and chickens on hand just in case. Next week, I will stock up with enough to keep us supplied till March. This year I'm lucky. The young man who bought the local Amish feed store will deliver your order if we can't get out.

In spite of the weather extremes though, it's amazing to go to Aldi's or a general grocery store when they are calling for 2 inches of snow and watch the mayhem that ensues. The town we lived in back in IL was so small that you could walk to the store if you needed to but people would be lined up ten deep at the checkouts with bread, milk, pop and ciggies. You would think it was Armageddon. You would think after living their whole lives in the heartland they would have it figured out by now but Nope. Ain't gonna happen.

@Granny Hatchet. I love your wall. I also LOVE that clock. Does it chime on the hour or play music? I could just stand and watch it.
How do you shop for 2 months of food at one time? And what do you do for fresh stuff,things that would spoil? Im impressed. I can barely figure out how to shop for a week. We make way too many trips to town.
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This was 2019 up near Tahoe. Hubs and #2son went snowboarding. There is A LOT more snow this year. Can't get up there now. All roads are blocked and more snow coming.
Cool..I can imagine what our ski resorts look like now. Boy they needed this snow we've been getting the last couple of weeks.
We had temps in the 70's for Christmas, Sunday and yesterday, I think. Cooled off today and I felt well enough to clean the ash out of the wood stove. Just as I was hauling the last load out to the fire pit (where we burn trash, not the barbecue), the heavens opened and soaked me good. Too bad I can't run any more, lol! But at least I had a clean fireplace to build a fire in! 🤣 Expecting rain and warm temps the rest of the week. Tornado weather again.

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