Granny's gone and done it again

I had another attack yesterday. That's what I call them now when I can't stand up without getting close to passing out. I called Austin up. He sat with me for a bit. I almost decided to go to the hospital. Worst yet. I had him go back downstairs. He came back up to check on me. I started to cry. I told him I was scared and didn't want to be a burden. Of course he said I wasn't. Just sitting around again until this hopefully passes back to where it was. That's the thing, it keeps .. staying..worse than before. ENT on the 7th. Hope she will direct me to a good neurologist. It happened after I ate. Crazy..this is what we did with it being 93 degrees out there. I stayed in the shade to eat. Kids had fun. First time in years I've cooked a hot dog over a fire. View attachment 3165108View attachment 3165107
Any idea what's causing it? Sounds pretty serious.
Today I handed in my resignation. Wednesday is my last day. Tomorrow have an interview for a part time job.. we'll see how it goes.
Praying for you! ❤️
Garbage night. You know what that means!
cat GIF

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