Granny's gone and done it again

I don’t know, my dogs give a lot of love. They are not rescued. It is just what dogs do.
Kira’s been heck on wheels lately too. I need to work her more.

I’m not going to say rescued > well bred. Or vice versa. But I think we can all agree puppy mills and ignorant breeders are…no bueno. IMG_2793.jpeg
Kira’s been heck on wheels lately too. I need to work her more.

I’m not going to say rescued > well bred. Or vice versa. But I think we can all agree puppy mills and ignorant breeders are…no bueno. View attachment 3648126
My mother always said one more year. I guess that was more acceptable to her.
Last week I had a flat tire on the interstate. So I eased my rig over to the shoulder of the road, carefully got out and reached in the side compartment I took out two cardboard men, unfolded them and stood them at the rear of my trailer facing on-coming traffic. They looked so life like you wouldn't believe it! They're dressed in open trench coats that exposed their nudity to the approaching drivers.
But to my surprise, cars started slowing down to look at my lifelike men. And, of course, traffic began backing up. Everybody tooted their horns and waved like crazy. It wasn't long before a state trooper pulled up behind me.
He got out of his car and walked towards me. I could tell he was not a happy camper!
"What's going on here?"
"My rig has a flat tire," I said calmly.
"Well, what the heck are those obscene cardboard men doing here by the road?"
I couldn't believe that he didn't know. So I told him......
"Helloooooo, those are my emergency flashers!"

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