Granny's gone and done it again

Hubby woke me up this morning around 10 am, mowing the grass. So I had 2 naps today .I cleaned out more leaves, weeds and blackberry canes from the garden. Put down more cardboard in the walkways. Also dumped out the bedding that was in the Mule. Hubby cut down a lot of brush near the driveway, and I picked up some of it and some old chunks of wood, and got rid of it.

Two frogs.
This one cracks me up.
Good morning, Grannyland! Hope everybody is well and happy today. After yesterday's amazingly beautiful weather, woke up to clouds and cooler temps. Rain supposed to start sometime today and continue off and on for next three days. We need it but I feel it in all my bones. I had gone to one Gabapentin a day (though prescribed three), taking two now, one in morning and evening. Hope it helps!

Favorite son initiated the new grill last night cooking New York strip steaks. I roasted seasoned potatoes, carrots and onions in the oven. Everything was very drlicious. Tonight we will have haystacks (like taco pie but meatless). I am having so much fun! I love his gf. She is half Native American, half Hispanic, works as an EMT. Is smart and funny. ❤️
I have finished with the fertilizing and working dirt to the potatoes so now it can rain. I was told today the forecast is calling for 4-6 inches. I need 6 hours in the morning before it starts if possible to plant some peas and beans and corn. Maybe one row of okra. I need to make a quick trip to town and get tiller and John Deere gas as the old man forgot to get it this morning. BBL
My son and his gf are helping me get so much work done! She helped me weed my mint garden, it looks wonderful and we got rid of virtually all the catnip. It will come back, of course.
I tried growing catmint here a few years back. It died .
I have finished with the fertilizing and working dirt to the potatoes so now it can rain. I was told today the forecast is calling for 4-6 inches. I need 6 hours in the morning before it starts if possible to plant some peas and beans and corn. Maybe one row of okra. I need to make a quick trip to town and get tiller and John Deere gas as the old man forgot to get it this morning. BBL
I have been forgetting gas for a solid month now.

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