Granny's gone and done it again

Yes although I will say. This laundromat chain is pretty good. Very clean. But yes. It will be nice to be able to put something in the wash and walk away and do something else. Though for now, it’s just a nice break for me too. An uncomfy standing around break but no expectation of social interaction, no work, just….existing.
Take a folding chair
Hernia surgery is usually in the lower abdomen. If the blood that occurred during surgery was not suctioned out completely it can flow down into the testicular sac and make a hematoma (basically a pool of blood that forms a clot) like a deep bruise.
Hubby had 3 hernia surgeries, no hematoma like that.
Hows everything going Cap? Is your garden doing good?
Hey Granny, yes, hubby is picking strawberries daily. I started planting potatoes yesterday. He watered tomatoes, strawberries, and blueberries today! There is one tomato on one of the plants already!

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