Granny's gone and done it again

Well. Feeling a little positive after the zoom meeting. Seemed a bunch of real cool ladies. Fingers crossed y’all. I should be hearing from hr within a week.

Season 7 Nbc GIF by The Office
There are 18 days left of junior year:yesss:Sounds so weird to say that I’m starting college applications this summer.

Here’s the recap I promised:)

Life’s been okay lately. A lot of school work, but otherwise pretty nice. I have been obsessed with getting new earrings and I think I want another piercing lol.

I also went to New York for the very first time over spring break. It was a lot of fun. My favorite memory there was probably visiting a place called “The Stranger’s Project.” Basically it’s an anonymous collection of life accounts. Some were sad, some were wholesome, and some were just lighthearted stories from children. I feel like it’s such a unique concept and I heard about the place prior to visiting but we ended up just coming upon it while looking for a bathroom at the World Trade Center. It was closed, but we checked out a few of the stories and then went back to read more on the last day of the exhibition. Picture dump!

Oh and Kiki went to the groomer for the first time ever lol. My mom hates the cut. She was on the brink of disowning her lol (kidding). But yea, it’s a little short but since the grass is so long this time of year we thought it’d be easier to keep her clean.

lmao, i love my siblings:lol:

Classes have been super tight, I haven’t been able to find time to do much of anything!!! Luckily after lacrosse season ended I was able to breathe a little. And now that AP exams are done???? Feels amazing. Over the summer I plan to get my driver’s license (finally!) and probably get a job. A lot of my friends are working and it looks like a fun experience. But for now I’m gonna focus on this volunteering program for tutoring kids from low-income families. It’s online so it should be pretty flexible. Honestly at time point I don’t really care if I don’t get into a super “top-top” notch college/uni. I’m pretty certain that I want to become a surgeon and that’s going to require undergrad, medschool, AND residency, so im gonna be in school for a while. Might as well go to a local university to save tuition.

P.S. I drew something:p I think Im gonna have fun my senior year and sign up for AP art💗 feels good to be drawing again. i didn’t really finish the shading yet but anything to get something on paper!

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