Granny's gone and done it again

aww, Im sorry Cynthia. Mine was a GS. they didnt put him down but they had to keep him locked up for 10 days and then he got out and attacked a girl and they put him down that time. You got it way worse then I did.

I was bitten by a German Shepherd too, I was about 12 I think. Was riding my bike, and he came tearing down the hill and latched onto my leg. I was screaming, which is why he let go and didn't keep biting me. I needed a couple of stitches, he got to be chained up for 10 days.
I love all dogs but I must admit GS scare me a little bit. I had one circle me once. Didn’t attack but was snapping and circling and I had client’s dogs with me at the time. I think it was protecting it’s human child who was home and accidentally let it out.
All of the girls to at this age. A buffish color. I think she is what is called a Wheaten color. I need go get a good photo of her. I've only got one of her eating from my hand and it is not a good one. DIL took it and she only snaps one thinking it will be good. I take a dozen or more to pick out the best one.
I did the same..and now with grandkids. :)
Granny my blockage must have been from to many hamburgers. Used to get a lot of Double Whoppers from Burger King when I worked outside and needed a meal on the run. It's been years since I've had one now. My only real burger vice is a Mushroom and Swiss 2 or 3 times a year from Hardee's.
You still have a Hardee's out there? We don't anymore. .y sister did a commercial for them back in the 70"s. I wonder if it's on YouTube. 🤔
  • Anatolian Shepherd
    A tall breed with long legs and a slightly-curling tail, this gentle breed can reach nearly 32 inches at the shoulder
  • View attachment 3835756
    Great Pyrenees
    This breed has been used to protect sheep and other livestock from predators and thieves for centuries
I was ready to pull this one up when you posted you about which one. Another good one is the Border Collie! I had one. Didn't keep it because when Cooper and him were outside he would sneak up on him and grab him when he was running. Poor Cooper had a lot of lot of bite marks from him. I told my vet why I didn't keep him. He said he had Border Collies for his cattle. That some just won't let go once they get hold of a cow that is slow to getting into a corral..they would have to pull them off. It's in their blood to herd.

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