Granny's gone and done it again

I love all dogs but I must admit GS scare me a little bit. I had one circle me once. Didn’t attack but was snapping and circling and I had client’s dogs with me at the time. I think it was protecting it’s human child who was home and accidentally let it out.
Always hate to see the “scary German shepherd” experiences. Yes the potential can be there but oof. Goose was such a chill love.

Sandy (his breeder) has another short coat breeding expected end of the month…after that all her planned litters are long coats…sadness.
I was so glad when several states outlawed smoking in public restaurants. My brother and I were always very sensitive to smoke. Restaurants fussed about losing business but the end result they gained business like never before. Second hand smoke is really first hand smoke. It's inhaling smoke that has not been through a filter. What's really sad is the millions that would like to stop but can't overcome the addiction of the cancerous drug in them. There are a lot of different chemicals being released when tobacco is burned. So years a go my wife and I had a small craft business at a nice flea market on the east coast of FL one weekends. There was a couple there lecturing us on the dangers of inert pillow fill materials that we used while they had those 100mm cigs hanging out their mouths. We didn't respond as you can't fix stupid.
Ugh. I had to rip my bossman a new one once a while back - they decided to have an after work party in the office and smoke a bunch of cigars. My asthma was not pleased.

He never did it again (although he did come in smelling of cigar smoke the other day, gave him the what for again…)
Our Shepherd looks scary, but she is laid back. Doesn't even bark at the delivery guys any more. She doesn't like stray dogs or cats.
Man the UPS lady had goose trained. He would just sit and wait by the door whenever any delivery person came by - cause she always gave him treats lol (or left treats if I wasn’t home)

Kira…has picked up some bad habits from the chiweenies. Now she barks at people passing by (and trucks too)

She’s got her grooming today. Last one down here (tear!) gonna miss this lady.
Always hate to see the “scary German shepherd” experiences. Yes the potential can be there but oof. Goose was such a chill love.

Sandy (his breeder) has another short coat breeding expected end of the month…after that all her planned litters are long coats…sadness.

Ugh. I had to rip my bossman a new one once a while back - they decided to have an after work party in the office and smoke a bunch of cigars. My asthma was not pleased.

He never did it again (although he did come in smelling of cigar smoke the other day, gave him the what for again…)

Man the UPS lady had goose trained. He would just sit and wait by the door whenever any delivery person came by - cause she always gave him treats lol (or left treats if I wasn’t home)

Kira…has picked up some bad habits from the chiweenies. Now she barks at people passing by (and trucks too)

She’s got her grooming today. Last one down here (tear!) gonna miss this lady.
Awww he sounds sweet!!! I still love the breed in theory, I just have never really met any besides that scary one and one other one that was nice, so it left an impression unfortunately hah
I think sometimes they just dont want to because I smoke. Thats why this last guy didnt fix my legs. He was pizzed at me, He said I Have to stop smoking or the blockages will be back in a year. I said Im craving one right now and he walked away not saying another word then when I woke up he had a nurse tell me he couldnt fix any of them
They won’t give you a liver transplant if you won’t stop drinking
Always hate to see the “scary German shepherd” experiences. Yes the potential can be there but oof. Goose was such a chill love.

Sandy (his breeder) has another short coat breeding expected end of the month…after that all her planned litters are long coats…sadness.

Ugh. I had to rip my bossman a new one once a while back - they decided to have an after work party in the office and smoke a bunch of cigars. My asthma was not pleased.

He never did it again (although he did come in smelling of cigar smoke the other day, gave him the what for again…)

Man the UPS lady had goose trained. He would just sit and wait by the door whenever any delivery person came by - cause she always gave him treats lol (or left treats if I wasn’t home)

Kira…has picked up some bad habits from the chiweenies. Now she barks at people passing by (and trucks too)

She’s got her grooming today. Last one down here (tear!) gonna miss this lady.
Aww..Goose. 💞
Well, my Richard texts me last night. He had a fever last Sunday. He has been working on yet another open sore. He's never had a fever before with these open sores. Just finished up with wound clinic last month so thought he could do what they did for him in keeping it clean and dry and dressed right. He ended up in the ER because he had pain and swelling. What?? He shouldn't feel anything where this is. He's pretty much paralyzed from the waist down. Some ER Dr's. 😡 He went by what Richard told him with his other sores, but Richard didn't mention that he never had a fever with I give the dr that. He sent him home with two different ant biotic and said go back to wound clinic. No blood work! I can't stop thinking about it. Feeling..he has feeling..pain there. Sepsis gets into deep tissue. His appointment for wound clinic isn't until Tuesday. Not sure they do bloodwork. Ugh.
Taking about dogs..My daughter and son opened their pool. Her son's Golden is ready for a swim. They brought a small pool for him.

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