grannys gone and done it

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i found a site today that will tell you what breed of mutt you have. you have to answer about 50 questions and then it is calculated.
This is a poodle. hahahaaaa

Looks a little like a stray that we kept. He's a poodle too! haha!
I gave him a short hair cut and he looks much better, but I don't have any pictures.

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i have tons of different ones and sizes. think floss would hold up ? i think i would want to use the wooden ones but i guess that will depend on the shirt
the tail is the same but theres no poodle in this dog. it is a terrier mixed with whatever i will never know. yours looks maltese and poodle. pretty little guy. why do you keep him with a horse though? lol
wishing4wings, your house looks like mine, full of dog beds. i actually bought them a recliner. childs size. haha. no matter, they are still taking over half my chair
wow, we did it over 15000 views. with that being said, i cant eat, drink or smoke now. so i will try to lay down. thank you all so much for keeping my mind busy and forgetting about the sick. i will let everyone know how it went when i can. i dont know what to expect as far as pain goes but it is a partial amputation i would call it anyway. if they are taking bone too. so it may not be tomorrow. who knows. i will be holding all of you in my thoughts and my heart. GOD Bless, and good night, granny
The horse was here first.
And until Scooter showed up, she did not like dogs. He charged onto the yard unneutered and so full of himself. I thought Belle was going to eat him, but the cocky little fellow was completely unafraid and just sort of took over. He's fixed now, but still thinks he weighs 100 lbs instead of 15. I think he really is part poodle mixed with some terrier or something. He's my first small dog and I don't know much about them except they're yappy!

He makes the most terrible noise when they do this!
The horse was here first.
And until Scooter showed up, she did not like dogs. He charged onto the yard unneutered and so full of himself. I thought Belle was going to eat him, but the cocky little fellow was completely unafraid and just sort of took over. He's fixed now, but still thinks he weighs 100 lbs instead of 15. I think he really is part poodle mixed with some terrier or something. He's my first small dog and I don't know much about them except they're yappy!

He makes the most terrible noise when they do this!
Are you sure he's part poodle? In these pictures he looks an awful lot like my Maltese.
wishing4wings, your house looks like mine, full of dog beds. i actually bought them a recliner. childs size. haha. no matter, they are still taking over half my chair

I got side tracked again today but even if you can't read this now or even soon, you will have lots to read when you come back.

I don't have beds all over the place and I haven't seen wishing4wings post yet so I could possibly have something like she has. I have some of those pads they put on the beds at the nursing homes. I got them used and I got a lot of them. I put them in the floor for the dogs to sleep on. Of course they know what the pads were used for because they have better noses than we do and it doesn't matter how many times you wash those things, the dogs are going to smell urine. So, they pee on some of them and sleep on the others. LOL

They would sleep in our beds if we would let them. I had to get my own bed separate from my husband because he has this condition called Benign Essential Tremor, which means his hands shake uncontrollably at times and it also causes him to jerk his legs at night while he sleeps. That means that I don't sleep or I don't rest easy when I do sleep. Took me years to talk him into separate beds. Now, he pulls 5 or 6 dogs up to sleep with him but I won't so they don't cry for me. LOL If he doesn't pull them up on his bed they will stand on their back legs, claw the bed and cry until he picks them up.

I have one who sleeps with me, Candy and she is only 2# and I worry about her so she sleeps with me so I can keep an eye on her.
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