grannys gone and done it

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Made it to TSC 8 minutes before close. Got in, got my feed, and got out in 4 minutes.
You got the moves !
was there damage where you were at ?

No. Not really. Lot of people were stuck on our side of the bay because of the bridge. World Series was going on, San Francisco vs Oakland A's. Cities on either side of the bay! This quake originated south of the bay area, but since so much of San Fran is on fill (used to be marsh land 150 yrs ago) there was a lot of damage. South near Santa Cruz the quake was very strong. My sister was living down there for college. She said they couldn't even stand up while it was going on. Had to hang on to the door frame.

Hubs just got home and changed dinner plans. Going into town to get burritos!!!
Be back later.
I needed milk and smokes to make it through til wed.  So I got my $28. check from the phone co. and headed to the bank. I forgot my check has probably been sitting there since friday.  Well, that changed my plans. I took CB with me to KY. and picked a carton up , got gas and headed to wally world. CB got his school supplys and we got a chicken dinner. Plus a few more groceries All on $100.00 oh, and cat food. 

Winner winner chicken dinner
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