GRAPHIC PICS of my day learning to caponize

Wind puffs are when air leaks into the tissues under the skin, it gets trapped and the bird will look like a balloon if it is a big puff and swollen if it is a small puff. When it happens you need to release the air by opening the skin. If you haven't sutured you can make a quick hole (tip of the scalpel or needle) in the same insiscion site as the procedure or you can make one anywhere the air is trapped. The air will woosh out but you may need to help it in some of the further out pockets (like if it got really big and down into the legs, just gentle pressure to move the air pocket towards the hole.

I do not know about turkeys, but would think it would work the same, I don't know about the anatomy of the turkey as to where exactly to locate the testes or landmarks on the outside, but would start in a similar location as the roo'let.

I had feeling it was very similar to like bloat on a cow were just releasing the air by needle or incision would work just wanted to make sure. Im thinking about trying a few later this year. Anatomy of turkey pretty much the same that I have seen when butching them. I may have to try on some I will be growing out and butchering anyway.
I live in the district were Roosters are not allowed 9 months old he's crowing so loud my neighbors are complaining....I asked my DVMS anyone to neuter him my only answers I've been getting throughout Sacramento is get rid of him....find him a new home no one does it...too I've been researching and still looking for someone to do it he is my pet his hand friendly I absolutely love this rooster is beautiful and friendly and non harming so I can't do it get rid of him so now I'm searching for someone to neuter him
I live in the district were Roosters are not allowed 9 months old he's crowing so loud my neighbors are complaining....I asked my DVMS anyone to neuter him my only answers I've been getting throughout Sacramento is get rid of him....find him a new home no one does it...too I've been researching and still looking for someone to do it he is my pet his hand friendly I absolutely love this rooster is beautiful and friendly and non harming so I can't do it get rid of him so now I'm searching for someone to neuter him

That's a tough one.

Caponizing is best suited for chicks, the older they get the more developed everything is, blood vessels, you name it... Don't know right off of anyone having done this on full grown birds, sorry.
I live in the district were Roosters are not allowed 9 months old he's crowing so loud my neighbors are complaining....I asked my DVMS anyone to neuter him my only answers I've been getting throughout Sacramento is get rid of him....find him a new home no one does it...too I've been researching and still looking for someone to do it he is my pet his hand friendly I absolutely love this rooster is beautiful and friendly and non harming so I can't do it get rid of him so now I'm searching for someone to neuter him
Dr James may be able to help, he doesn't caponize but he decrows. He is a vet here in OK. but he will work on a person's shipped roo.

My computer is being hateful it won't let me paste a link

The thread is in the chickens behavior and egg laying section

thread is Decrowing Roosters
There is a collar available that is designed to keep a rooster from making a loud crow.

Hey guys, glad to be back. Got my chickens coming March 20 so I'll have plenty to do shortly. I'm set up on the brooder, etc. And also my caponizing tools. Will have to wait 6 weeks or so to try it. Absolutely no one to help so I'll be winging it by pictures and info I get from y'all.
I'm also going to do a breeding pen so I'll need to try the collar's for the roos. I've heard that the one for $14 thru internet is not all that great. Updates on the thread " The Sound of Silence" I'm going to sew a couple of lengths of velcro on a sock and see if it helps. Either that or get a dark box.
Where can I find such a collar looked on amazon non found. Do you have a link or name for silencing collar.? Thx
Yeah, do a search at the top for The Sound of Silence thread. Read the first few and the last few pages of it and you will find out the pros and cons. Someone is cutting a piece of foam knee pad and gluing velcro on it. Toward the back. Good luck. I'm sincerely hoping you will have good luck on this and report back on here.

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