GRAPHIC PICS of my day learning to caponize

Thank for the offer! I don't have any chicks going at the moment either, I was just kinda trying to get a plan in place incase I ended up with an extra rooster that needed to turn into a meat bird
For those that have set up a caponize training work shop ... please respond. (here or PM)

What is the best breeds to use? Bresse?
Can auto-sexed breeds like Dominiques and CCL be used?
What age do the chickens need to be?
How many chickens per trainee?
What tools and equipment is needed by the trainer and/or participants?
Do you give out photos or written instructions?
How many trainees is an Ideal number for a session?

As a trainer would someone be willing to travel to a location to train a few people?
The countdown begins. T minus 36 hours. Before sunset I moved two into isolation (currently an old dog crate setting on scrap wood so they don't eat dirt) to begin fasting. Tomorrow before sunset I'll put each into his own cat carrier for the 12 hours NPO before Wednesday morning attempt.
The countdown begins. T minus 36 hours. Before sunset I moved two into isolation (currently an old dog crate setting on scrap wood so they don't eat dirt) to begin fasting. Tomorrow before sunset I'll put each into his own cat carrier for the 12 hours NPO before Wednesday morning attempt.
There in spirit with you! Eagerly awaiting updates as I capon vicariously through your experience :p
There in spirit with you! Eagerly awaiting updates as I capon vicariously through your experience :p
I certainly appreciate the support, both online and from hubby. Here is what I posted on my blog:
Quote: Yeah, I am still having an issue with cutting in the right spot. I may wait until Sunday morning to try again, as I don't know how hubby feels about me using his new covered deck behind the workshop (he just put in the floor over the weekend) and we have chance of rain in the forecast for Thursday night to Friday morning. Saturday is the county fair.

I may not have a capon yet, but certainly I've earned "experience points" for this.
I certainly appreciate the support, both online and from hubby. Here is what I posted on my blog:
Yeah, I am still having an issue with cutting in the right spot. I may wait until Sunday morning to try again, as I don't know how hubby feels about me using his new covered deck behind the workshop (he just put in the floor over the weekend) and we have chance of rain in the forecast for Thursday night to Friday morning. Saturday is the county fair.

I may not have a capon yet, but certainly I've earned "experience points" for this.
You've made a good start. I'm caponizing three older birds tomorrow. If I feel that the birds are not stressed, I'll take some photos during the procedure which might help you with locating the correct incision site, seeing the testicles, and removing them. If you don't have a bright headlamp (really bright is important), then having someone who can hold a light for you will help.
Hey @Poco Pollo ! How goes everything?
I have done three precedures without the use of a head lamp and boy is it tough, but I manged 2 out of 3. My DH found a magnifing head lamp, but with the price I am not sure of the brightness of it, the description does not give lumens....... I have 12, 4 week old chicks that I should be able to sex in a couple of weeks so I have to get on the ball and get one! My original capon (the white I brought to clinic) is doing amazing, and he is HUGE! I wanted to butcher him but my middle boy is putting up road blocks LOL. I have yet to taste capon meat!!! The others should be ready for processing in a few weeks so maybe then.
Good job, dfr1973!

I thanks for sharing your experience so we can all learn together. I'm at least three months away from my next try, so I have been rooting for you!

Has anyone thought of consolidating the how-to, helpful hints, and troubleshooting info on this thread? The world needs a better caponizing handbook!!

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