*Graphic Picture* Massive wound on chick...any ideas?

I had an attack on my hens and my Molly got a 5-inch gash across her breast. We sprayed her with blu-kote twice a day and put nutrients in her water. She healed up well. You could actually see the meat inside her! I didn't think of culling her because she was just so happy most of the time and she showed no sign of being hurt other than moving slightly slower than usual. She still comes if you clap your hands and call her. I hope your little girl will be okay!
GRAPES!!! Give her split grapes. How my girls love grapes. Red, green, purple... LOVE THEM! And they have a lot of water in them. I always give them to my broody hens.

lol I meant to pick up grapes on Sunday while we were at the store, but I forgot them. x) So she's been eating blueberries. I tried offering her watermelon, but she wouldn't touch it. Picky little lady.... :)
I had an attack on my hens and my Molly got a 5-inch gash across her breast. We sprayed her with blu-kote twice a day and put nutrients in her water. She healed up well. You could actually see the meat inside her! I didn't think of culling her because she was just so happy most of the time and she showed no sign of being hurt other than moving slightly slower than usual. She still comes if you clap your hands and call her. I hope your little girl will be okay!

Whoa! That's a big wound! I'm glad she survived in! :) Do you mind my asking where you're getting your blu-kote? None of the feed stores around here sell it....is it something that you buy online?
Okay, new problem. Her wound is healing up wonderfully! I think the oils have really helped especially! But the other night, we put aloe vera on her, and she's been acting really weird ever since. I don't know if she managed to ingest some of the aloe vera and if it's making her sick, or if she's having some kind of weird reaction to it or what....but it's scary. She'll be perfectly fine one moment, and the next moment, she starts making these weird, trill-like chirps, tucks her head, and starts shaking her head really violently. She has like, a fit. It can last 30 seconds, or it can last several minutes. She'll also lift her left leg ( the leg that the wound is directly next to) and bring it up to her head when she's shaking. Sometimes she'll go several hours without doing this, and then she'll have another fit.

I noticed this the morning after we put the aloe vera on her. Could aloe vera harm a chicken if it ate some? Or could she be reacting to it? Or is the aloe vera not related? Any ideas? She's wonderfully healthy otherwise- but these fits are starting to freak me out. :/
Okay, new problem. Her wound is healing up wonderfully! I think the oils have really helped especially! But the other night, we put aloe vera on her, and she's been acting really weird ever since. I don't know if she managed to ingest some of the aloe vera and if it's making her sick, or if she's having some kind of weird reaction to it or what....but it's scary. She'll be perfectly fine one moment, and the next moment, she starts making these weird, trill-like chirps, tucks her head, and starts shaking her head really violently. She has like, a fit. It can last 30 seconds, or it can last several minutes. She'll also lift her left leg ( the leg that the wound is directly next to) and bring it up to her head when she's shaking. Sometimes she'll go several hours without doing this, and then she'll have another fit.

I noticed this the morning after we put the aloe vera on her. Could aloe vera harm a chicken if it ate some? Or could she be reacting to it? Or is the aloe vera not related? Any ideas? She's wonderfully healthy otherwise- but these fits are starting to freak me out. :/
Could she be having an "itchy attack" like people get when wounds are healing? I don't know about you, but if I have a skin injury there always comes a point during healing where it itches like crazy.
Don't put Aloe vera on and see what happend. She may be sensative to it

I've stopped using it on her....she's still been doing it though. :( Not as much today....maybe it's finally getting out of her system?

Could she be having an "itchy attack" like people get when wounds are healing? I don't know about you, but if I have a skin injury there always comes a point during healing where it itches like crazy.

That's what I thought at first, what with her bringing her leg up and shaking it with her head. But she's not itching anything. I thought that maybe she had something caught in her throat after that, so I made sure she had lots of water and grit. It's like it's all in her head.....
I've stopped using it on her....she's still been doing it though. :( Not as much today....maybe it's finally getting out of her system?

That's what I thought at first, what with her bringing her leg up and shaking it with her head. But she's not itching anything. I thought that maybe she had something caught in her throat after that, so I made sure she had lots of water and grit. It's like it's all in her head.....
I could be an itchy attack & she just can't figure out where to itch with all the bandages...LOL
i'm a big fan of blu-kote. i got mine @ tractor supply. i had a similar wound on my black australorp. i thought she would die the first couple of days. i was expecting to have to put her down, but everytime i went in there, she was incrementally better.
if it were a human wound i would tell you to start thinning out the bandage. once new tissue is growing it's a good thing to avoid a dark moist environment (i.e. bandages) because that's where bacteria and fungus are very fond of growing.
sounds like you have done fantastic with her nutrition. really glad she's going to pull through.

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