(GRAPHIC) raccoon attack after care help

If you get penicillin, you can apply it directly to the open wounds and it will help it heal faster. You can give them children's tylenol for pain, but if your adding antibiotics to the water i dont know what the contraindications are for mixing drugs.
As for the raccoon we trapped them with chicken meat, thats what they went in for and thats what they got. My husband and i went to war with a crew of them this last winter.

Cruella is doing a bit better she can not feed herself so the glass tiny dropper has become her best friend. I have been feeding her whey protein shake, using thawed frozen individual popsicles of the pediacare for electrolights.
Have mixed in antibiotics into her water and taken all other water out of back yard so they are all drinking just the antibiotics.

She has more energy today and is happy to feed out of my dropper. Still unsure if she will grow her beak back? I'm going to make one out of apoxie for her and possibly try to attach it in a week or so? should I wait longer?

Peepers has resumed all daily activites and is healing fine. She is laying regularly but we are tossing the eggs till after they are off antibiotics for 4 days.

so far so good I will keep you all posted.
been a little over a week now cruella is doing ok i tried to make her a resin beak but i can't figure out how to attach it to her? does anyone have any ideas? I'm still spoon feeding her 3x a day with the dropper and worse she has started to molt???? is this from stress??? its october now and its getting to be 30 at night up here so i have her in the garage at night in a kennel.

I completely barricaded the sides and any small space anything could possibly hope to get in... the coup now looks like a backyard bunker...
been a little over a week now cruella is doing ok i tried to make her a resin beak but i can't figure out how to attach it to her? does anyone have any ideas? I'm still spoon feeding her 3x a day with the dropper and worse she has started to molt???? is this from stress??? its october now and its getting to be 30 at night up here so i have her in the garage at night in a kennel.

I completely barricaded the sides and any small space anything could possibly hope to get in... the coup now looks like a backyard bunker...

I know that vets have repaired turtle shells. Possibly an avian vet can model a beak.
yeh i modeled the beak just fine its just attaching it that is the prob :/

The only thing i can think of is when you made the beak is the tip hollow so that it fits over the remaining piece of beak left? You would have to use some type of bonding agent such as super glue. You can also use a piece of a tea bag to place over joining sections to create a tighter bond. My only concern is that her remaining portion of beak may over time become more worn. Is it possible for her to eat a fermented feed or have you tried adding water to feed,she may be able to use her lower beak to scoop food up,chickens with scissor beak eat this way.
I admire your determination and craftiness.
I'd for sure study another bird you have's mouth for proper design.
I'd make several beaks because you'll be ready when the 1st one falls off and won't be caught empty handed.
Don't expect your 1st try to be "It". It will probably take several tries until you find the best glue, method and design.
My only concern is that the wound where the beak broke off may need more time to heal.
I'm sure your anxious to get a beak on there but I'd for sure want that all healed up before attaching anything to it.
It also may grow a bit back, changing your design later on....I hope that happens, but only time will tell.
I like what Ten Chicks said, adding a type of mesh to hold it would be a great idea. I think they do this with fixing broken fingernails. Maybe the store has some repair kits with such a mesh. I've never had my fingernails done so I am clueless to the details on this.
I did some research on glues and because you need a non-clamp type glue and one that sets quickly probably your best bet is super glue.
The only draw back is super glue is not good for filling cracks or gaps, so possibly you may need two types of glues.
One for the actual part that touches together with good filling so food/water does not get lodged and also to sturdy the base. I'd go for the epoxy(24hr drying time), then for the holding power and quick drying aspect quickly brush on a thin layer of super glue with a fingernail polish brush on a portion of the real beak and new beak, then gently press your mesh into that then finish out with another layer(s) of super glue.
Getting the chicken to stay steady will be a challenge. I know when things are dark is when they are less apt to squirm, but you need light to work on your chick.
Perhaps a cover or black sock with a hole cut in it, to where the beak only is sticking out but eyes covered???
Here are some glue rating sites I found:

Good luck and keep us posted.

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