Great blue heron can't fly

Apr 6, 2019
So, we have a pond nearby were I've been seeing a blue heron through the summer. Yesterday I went down there and saw him (or her) instead of lifting his majestic wings and gracefully flying away he just splashed away. Worried, I approached him cautiously agian, and he just stumbled away. I didn't see any signs of a broken wing, and even if he was injured, I don't think I could help him, but i am worried and any insight would help. thanks, and God Bless
Blue Heron are migratory birds so your state might have laws about who can handle/help them. Try to find a local conservation center or wildlife rehabilitator. I live in Iowa and there are alot here that take in such cases. Also, if you have chicks or duckling be careful because Blue Heron will eat them if given the chance.

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