Great info.

Hatch went too well! I have chickens coming out my ears. Ordered some silky/sizzle eggs from Sheri at California country ranch. First hatch only got a few so tried again and second time hatch was around 80%. The chicks are growing fast and look super cool. Also bought some assorted chickens off Craigslist.
Kids were loving the incubator so i thought it would be fun if every two days I'd throw a few egs from the coop in it that way I'd always have something hatching. Wasn't till I had it full did it dawn on me that lock down was gonna be a problem. Turned out fine. Turner was so gental it didn't bother hatch and I'd just removed chicks as they dried. Nearly every egg hatched
Hatch went too well! I have chickens coming out my ears. Ordered some silky/sizzle eggs from Sheri at California country ranch. First hatch only got a few so tried again and second time hatch was around 80%. The chicks are growing fast and look super cool. Also bought some assorted chickens off Craigslist.

Kids were loving the incubator so i thought it would be fun if every two days I'd throw a few egs from the coop in it that way I'd always have something hatching. Wasn't till I had it full did it dawn on me that lock down was gonna be a problem. Turned out fine. Turner was so gental it didn't bother hatch and I'd just removed chicks as they dried. Nearly every egg hatched
Congratulations! I'm glad things went so well. :eek:)
Glad you joined us!

Congratulations on your hatches!

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