Green Duckling PICS!!!!

Oh, how cute! I love ducklings!

The one you have there is a pekin duckling. Most hatcheries only sell them colored because they are yellow. I guess the coloring shows up better on yellow ducks! LOL

The coloring will disappear when s/he gets feathers in, but it should last awhile. I've always wanted a colored chick/duck but feed stores around here don't sell them I guess I'll just have to try and color my own!
Why do people color them? Is their natural color not beautiful enough for them? Just wondering the purpose of this. I know it doesn't hurt them..but its so...weird. :|
I'm glad you got the duck instead of someone "that dint need him"
, But most of the people that go to tsc already have animals though
stormhorse, people only color them to get there almighty dollar out of other people that would not normally want a chick,bunny,duckie, or anything else if it wasnt colored
I have been known to yell at people in pet stores puchasing conures and have a tiny "tweety bird style" cage. Oh, yeah. It gets ugly. This is no better. People buy them just because they are cute or funny.
Oh, you should've seen the Buff Orps that were Cherry Red, Purple, Green, Pink, and Orange. And they also had babies that were yellow (I think) with a black spot on their backs that they had colored too. My DH actually got home tonight and said to go get another one to keep each other company
. Even though it's actually doing really well with my bantys. How soon can you tell the sex on ducks?
You have to wait for them to either quack or grow a curly tail feather.

Curly tail feather-male
Loud, clear quack- female
'weird' quack- male
ironically the goslings from the wild Canada geese that hang out at Renton airport ... are naturally CHARTREUSE colored

I was dumbfounded when I saw them ... I thought goslings were supposed to be yellow, not green

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