Green egg envy

Hey if enough of you guys in Tacoma or surrounds want to get together we could split an order of EE's from Ideal. I want to get some going before the local feed stores are getting them. Of course I want one that looks like Misgenie's! If anyone is interested in splitting an order PM me. Or if there is a local breeder with EE chicks that would be even better!
I also got my first EE egg this morning -- its was a light baby blue. Boy was I eggcited! Now I'm reading this thread, and I read Mahnori post. Wouldn't you know it -- my EE looks just like his and so did the egg. What do you think of that?
It comes from a *game* bullies used to play where they would twist an arm or bend back fingers until you showed your submission by saying *uncle* or *mercy*

The original poster is just saying that she is giving up and that we have forced her to get EE's.
I too wanted a green or blue egg layer so I purchased an EE from MPC. It lays a light brown egg about every third day. Very dissapointing. I contacted the hatchery and let them know they should warn buyers that not all Easter Eggers lay green or blue eggs. The response,

"We're sorry to hear that your Easter Egger is not giving you that all
'coveted' blue egg that everyone wants. Because we don't know what color our Easter Eggers will lay until they finally lay, it is
impossible to guarantee that customers get the egg color that they
desire. We do have reports of lots of great colors coming from our
Easter Eggers. I'm sorry that it wasn't the case for you.

Perhaps you can find an Ameraucana breeder that can sell a hen that
produces the egg color that you're looking for. In the mean time, if
we can be of any additional assistance, please let us know."

. The bright side is that the eggs taste great no matter what the shell looks like. Just beware no garuntees on getting Easter Eggs from your Easter Egger.

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