Green legged chicken

I have been crossing my birds for 2 years now. My layers are RIR/Welsummer crosses. This year's chicks have 3 possible fathers, who may or may not be mixed. I have 2 clutches and about 50-odd chicks hatched out from May on, and 3 of them have green legs. (Sorry, they don't seem to stand still long enough for a photo.) BUT, I've been told that one of my roosters is an EE or an EE mix.
What do you think?



<a href=";current=July23Pictures2012003.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" Chicken Pictures/July23Pictures2012003.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Sorry, I need to take the camera out for the other father. =( I was just curious about the green-legged chicks.
I am very interested in getting hatching eggs or chicks of the Green-legged Partridge (Zielononozka Kuropatwiana) breed. Their eggs are supposed to be superior to all others. I am in New York. Does anyone here have them or know a source in the US where I could get these? Please let me know. Thank you. Please email info to [email protected].
I have two Buff Orpington chicks, and as they get older, we have noticed that one chick has orange legs, and the other has what looks like green legs. Henrietta, the green legged chick, acts normal and is very healthy. From what I've read about green legged chicks (willow legs) on BYC, Orpingtons don't seem to be a breed that should have green legs. Is there just a mix of a green legged chicken in her past? They are just 4 weeks old now.
I have two Buff Orpington chicks, and as they get older, we have noticed that one chick has orange legs, and the other has what looks like green legs. Henrietta, the green legged chick, acts normal and is very healthy. From what I've read about green legged chicks (willow legs) on BYC, Orpingtons don't seem to be a breed that should have green legs. Is there just a mix of a green legged chicken in her past? They are just 4 weeks old now.

Your orpingtons should have white legs. 4 weeks is too young to see good plumage colors but you might want to go ahead and start a thread on the what breed or gender section and post pics to see if they're really orps.
Your orpingtons should have white legs. 4 weeks is too young to see good plumage colors but you might want to go ahead and start a thread on the what breed or gender section and post pics to see if they're really orps.

Hi donrae,

Thanks for letting me know that Orpingtons should have white legs. Now that my two chicks are over 5 weeks now, the one chick I thought had green legs have turned more white. My other one still has orange legs though. I will wait to see if time will change her legs to white.

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