Green puss


7 Years
Apr 28, 2012
Grand junction
My chickens are always pecking each other. So half of my chickens don't have feathers on there backs. It got worse a few weeks ago one of my chickens died from a porlasp (not sure if I spelled that right) anyway I went out to feed them and one of my hens backs have green puss coming out. it is nasty. I don't know what to do. she acts fine it just really gross looking. Please someone tell me what I should be doing about this because I am pretty sure this isn't something I just let go. Thanks in advace :)
You definately need to clean your chicken up and I suggest using neosporin on it. You likely will need to seperate this chicken from the rest until she heals.

However, you will likely have this problem long term unless you figure out why your chickens are pecking at each other so much. What size is your coop and run? How many chickens do you have? How many roosters and how many hens? What are you feeding them?

We are all happy to help, we just need a bit more info.
My coop/run is 12 foot by 8 foot. I have 10 Hens No Roo's. I feed them layer crumbles. The one that had puss is looking better. But all my chickens are missing feathers. I have two rhode island reds that hardely have any feathers left. and then today I have one very sick astrulorp (sorry not sure of spelling) she was great last night and today she is laying in the run just about dead. I am so lost right now.
it sounds like they are a bit crowded. I know your pretty close to the 10 sq ft. per chicken, but sometimes that just isnt enough for their personalities. Another likely issue is parasites like fleas, mites or lice. In fact, this is the first thing I would try and treat for since you cant always see the bugs.

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