Green thumb is itching, anyone else?

Speaking only from my own experience and just a couple of others - don't do anything upside down. It simply defies nature! None of us had any luck nor will we be doing it ever again!

If you're lacking for space or just want to try everything cuz it's all so new and fun - go for it!! YUP, TRY IT ALL, what the heck, huh?!?!

Yep, I agree. I grew petunias upside down and rightside up. Rightside up grew many many pretty flowers per plant- I don't know how many total but at least 5-10 at a time. Upside down got me two or three flowers the entire year.
First anyone got a picture of this "weaving thing" ?

Second I like to use old yarn to tie up my plants. If you can find clearance Rug yarn which is thicker that works too. I've tried cut up nylon stocking but didn't like it so much.

Google Florida weave, you'll see all kinds of pics and videos
80 yesterday 50 the next. Ugh! But I planted some beans and lettuce and worked on some more beds, replacing one that has rotted out. Not to bad considering only one has in five years.

I'm waiting for my rhubarb to come.

I never got an answer to how much space I need for my aspargus.

Sorry not on much been sick and tired. Mostly tired of being sick.

I plant them where when you spread the roots in the trench the root tips just "kiss" each other, I think that is about every 1.5 feet depending on how big your roots are. The way my garden is set up I have just one row wide (of asparagus) so I don't know how far apart the rows need to be.
In planting the one year old crowns they should be about a foot apart, VERY well drained soil. Hope your feeling better soon.
I transplanted my rhubarb last year when I started letting my hens free range and haven't seen hide nor hair of it. If it doesn't come up I will be pretty sad. A farmer gave my son Adam the plant when he was little he's 24 now.

80 yesterday 50 the next. Ugh! But I planted some beans and lettuce and worked on some more beds, replacing one that has rotted out. Not to bad considering only one has in five years.

I'm waiting for my rhubarb to come.

I never got an answer to how much space I need for my aspargus.

Sorry not on much been sick and tired. Mostly tired of being sick.
Thank you all for the warnings. Maybe I will just try a couple of them upside down just to say I tried it and do the rest in containers.

Keeping a journal is a good idea, I actually thought about that, my husband says I am obsessed with writing down everything anyway. I will chart what is where also because most of what is growing in our yard now, I have no idea what it is yet, or I'm not sure what kind of plant or bush it is. I have to dig out my handy plant encyclopedia.

Our weather has been a bit silly here in Maine also. It was 87 when I got in my car yesterday after work at 4:30pm. Today we might hit 57 and last night was suppose to dip down below freezing.

I am very eager to attack my yard with some much needed TLC, though.
My mother-in-law tried it and didn't work that well. Maybe it was just her.Just keep a little journal so that you know what works or doesn't.What you liked or didn't You'll be surprised when next year rolls around and you don't remember. I don't use anything fancy just one of the marbled notebooks also chart it out so you know what was where.Good luck and welcome.
Speaking only from my own experience and just a couple of others - don't do anything upside down. It simply defies nature! None of us had any luck nor will we be doing it ever again!

If you're lacking for space or just want to try everything cuz it's all so new and fun - go for it!! YUP, TRY IT ALL, what the heck, huh?!?!

If you've little space you might try using pots for some things. I grow Eggplant in 10" pots set in the drive on the tarvia. The heat stays longer and they do better there than in my garden. I have heard friends say these upside down tomato things don't work.

You could also grow in those white plastic flower pot things with the trellis attached to the back.

Don't want to build a trellis or have one? Find an old crip and use the sides for a trellis. Nail some pieces of chain link to a frame and use that. You can also use one of those accordian child protection gates. Certainly a coat of flat house paint will make it look good too.

I forgot to mention , make sure you stop often at HD and the like. They had Blue berry bushes for $4 ea. I don't care for BB's but you might.

Thanks for the advice on the Aspargus. Rhubard is being sent next week. I noticed I have a garlic plant outside the raised bed where it was planted two years ago. I wonder how that got there.

The chickens have pecked up some that I must have missed last year cuz it came up and they ate the tops off it.

Does anyone have a recipe for garlic scapes?
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I think i am going to go with pots for the tomatoes and maybe some of the other vegetables I am considering. My issue is not some much with space, but more with sun and where and how long it stays in areas of my yard.

Does anyone have any suggestions for vegetables that tolerate some shade, not all day shade, but say less than 6 hours of full sun?
I think i am going to go with pots for the tomatoes and maybe some of the other vegetables I am considering. My issue is not some much with space, but more with sun and where and how long it stays in areas of my yard.

Does anyone have any suggestions for vegetables that tolerate some shade, not all day shade, but say less than 6 hours of full sun?

I would think something tall or with large leaves like some green veggies. Would you like to show us a pic of your area?
I will have to try uploading a picture later.

We have tons of sun in the early morning until probably late morning, through most of the yard, then the sun goes behind a tall maple tree we have for the middle of the day, which is going to shade even more than it does now once the leaves fill in. Then later in the afternoon parts of the yard have full sun again for a couple of hours I think. I have been trying to check my yard at different parts of the day to see where it gets sun the most for the longest part of the day.

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