Green thumb is itching, anyone else?

I did try the beer and it worked,'s 'spensive and love Stela! I have a brewery that I will be getting run off from the beer they make.

I saw some last night that were as big asmy index finger...and I can palm a basektball!!!

We buy "Lucky" beer for the slugs. It's cheaper than soda.
Hi everyone; Well did we get rain on Sunday and yes we needed it. My friend came over yesterday and made me a raised bed that runs the length of my chicken coop run. its 16'x2' I need every inch I can get. Gonna try and get beans in today but man is it still windy out there. Happy Planting

PS Aggiemae; Beautiful dog.
Queen, I highly recommend PINTEREST. There have been lots of vertical gardening ideas in there if space is an issue. I have the room, but want to confine my gardening area to a small space, right now, because it's easier to have everything there rather than spaced out like I did before....everything gets tending and nothing gets forgotten.

I am going to try to expore solar hydroponics - I think lettuces would do amazing in that environment! I have a goal to have a virtual farmer's market that I can barter or sell on craigslist. I already barter my eggs and meat for organic brew grains and have enough steady egg customers that the feed practically pays for itself. Now if I could get something to pay for all that water!

BTW, seedlings that are up: I saw a sugar/snap pea, my Indian cukes, viola, albino and detroit beets, leek, carrots, icile radish, romanesco cauliflower, kohlrabi (purple vienna), garlic chive, dill, dug up and confirmed my hop vine is getting ready to leaf.

The slugs ate the only tomato seedling I had and most of the cauliflower. They are eating that bait like crazy so I put more out yesterday. Also started more tom seeds, runners, lots of herbs, more cukes, etc.
oooh, I have to go to Lowe's tomorrow to return something....will have to check out the plants

I like to start my own plants as a rule and have started some tomatoes. The year I decided to buy plants we all got hit with a blight that was said to have come up on the plants. I had a friend lost all his plants.

As for hardening off you plants. Use my method of mini green houses. Also do not put them out in the sun but a shaded and wind protected place if you don't use a green house method. I keep the caps on the milk jugs til things warm up.

This year TSC had those shelved green house things discounted to $20. I have that set up on the side of the house with the black tarvia drive. I expect the black will generate heat to keep things warm. It will be 60* tomorrow but then go down to the 40's.

Wyo - I just can't figure out where to put it. I'd like to set it up so the kids can run through it, but we have so many mosquitoes I just don't know where.
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We buy "Lucky" beer for the slugs. It's cheaper than soda.

I used to have a terrible time with slugs til the chickens came. I also sprinkle DE around my garden plants on dry nights when there is no rain in the forcast. Slugs HAVE to come out. I suggest in the fall that you let the chickens have access to the garden to work the soil and eat the slugs. Even with raised beds it's creates little work to toss the worked soil back into the beds.

I also want to ask, has anyone made Dandelion jelly? It's made with the flowers of the plant.
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I used to have a terrible time with slugs til the chickens came. I also sprinkle DE around my garden plants on dry nights when there is no rain in the forcast. Slugs HAVE to come out. I suggest in the fall that you let the chickens have access to the garden to work the soil and eat the slugs. Even with raised beds it's creates little work to toss the worked soil back into the beds.

I also want to ask, has anyone made Dandelion jelly? It's made with the flowers of the plant.

No jelly but I have had fried dandelions from my honorary Italian grandmother across the street
I have the book Sure We Can which is very good but it's a library book. I do intend to buy it. It takes 365 dandelion flowers for the recipe and two days to make. It has to sit over night. There is also a wild violet recipe in it too. It takes two cups of flowers.

I have much to do but I will get to it.
I have the book Sure We Can which is very good but it's a library book. I do intend to buy it. It takes 365 dandelion flowers for the recipe and two days to make. It has to sit over night. There is also a wild violet recipe in it too. It takes two cups of flowers.

I have much to do but I will get to it.

I had Queen Ann Lace jelly years ago and have been on the hunt for it ever since. It was great.
I have the book Sure We Can which is very good but it's a library book. I do intend to buy it. It takes 365 dandelion flowers for the recipe and two days to make. It has to sit over night. There is also a wild violet recipe in it too. It takes two cups of flowers.

I have much to do but I will get to it.

Rancher; I would need another back surgery after bending over to pick that many dandelions

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