Green thumb is itching, anyone else?

I already posted in a different gardening thread (days ago), but since this one seems to get more traffic, I'll post here too with my excited updates.

I planted three, 72 cell flats of marigolds, tomatoes and peppers. I don't have space for a garden at my house (rent, live in town, booo) but my parents have a decent sized garden. My grandma also has a small garden, along with many family and friends. I'm going to keep a few plants in buckets/boxes for my husband, as I don't eat veggies. I just like to grow stuff.

It's a good thing I have so many people with gardens because I am doing WAY better growing these seedlings than I expected. They're still small and have plenty of time to die on me, but I'm hoping that doesn't happen.

These numbers are estimates because I counted last night and I know more came up since then, plus some cells have more than one seed and it seems as though all my "extra" seeds are coming up as well.

Petite Mix marigolds-18 of 18
Queen Sophia marigolds-18 of 18
Cherokee Purple tomatoes-59 of 72 (I might have gone overboard)
Red Mercury peppers (red)-27 of 36
California Wonder peppers (green)-29 of 36
Yellow Belle peppers (yellow)-0 of 36....I wasn't able to get good bottom heat under these ones until the other 2 peppers came they'll get some heat and hopefully grow for me

That's a lot of veggies for someone who doesn't eat veggies!
LOL you don't eat veggies. You're going to have a metric ton of tomatoes.

We had a nice rain last night. 95 for 100 strawberries plants have new growth on them. Two are flowering already. Most of the trees are budding nicely. The Paw Paw are doing nothing. The kiwi, blueberries have new growth. One of the grape vines has new growth, the others nothing. WEEDS every where in the garden. Mostly dandelions and crabgrass. The seedlings are doing well in the back room, will transplant them on Good Friday.
Sure could use some help with over-grown, weedy strawberry beds.

Planted 3 years ago, last year production was awesome, but now this spring I can hardly tell them from the grass and weeds. What to do?? Dig the whole thing up and start over? HELP!
Did you already place an order ? I have 2 coupons one is for $5.00 off $30 and the other is $10 off $50.I'm not going to use themand they have codes in them for internet orders. Carol

No thanks, I have the fiver in my catalog but don't or didnt' want to order that much. I like to order from a number of catalogs since I can get a variety. Burpee is mostly hybrids I think. Plus they can be expnesive. Have the same roses as D. Austin and are ten dollars more per plant.

But I have tried some of their tomatoes and like those.
I already posted in a different gardening thread (days ago), but since this one seems to get more traffic, I'll post here too with my excited updates.

I planted three, 72 cell flats of marigolds, tomatoes and peppers. I don't have space for a garden at my house (rent, live in town, booo) but my parents have a decent sized garden. My grandma also has a small garden, along with many family and friends. I'm going to keep a few plants in buckets/boxes for my husband, as I don't eat veggies. I just like to grow stuff.

It's a good thing I have so many people with gardens because I am doing WAY better growing these seedlings than I expected. They're still small and have plenty of time to die on me, but I'm hoping that doesn't happen.

These numbers are estimates because I counted last night and I know more came up since then, plus some cells have more than one seed and it seems as though all my "extra" seeds are coming up as well.

Petite Mix marigolds-18 of 18
Queen Sophia marigolds-18 of 18
Cherokee Purple tomatoes-59 of 72 (I might have gone overboard)
Red Mercury peppers (red)-27 of 36
California Wonder peppers (green)-29 of 36
Yellow Belle peppers (yellow)-0 of 36....I wasn't able to get good bottom heat under these ones until the other 2 peppers came they'll get some heat and hopefully grow for me

I like to plant my egg plant in pots and set them in the driveway. They get more heat there and it last longer as the tarvia holds the heat through the night. They do much better there than in the garden.
I have a giant family that will easily take all my extra plants. My parents will take the most, I planted the seeds specifically for them. As a matter of fact, my mom picked them all out...I just don't think she expected me to plant pretty much all of them.
My husband wants to keep a couple of each, plus my grandma and several of my aunts and uncles want plants. I work at a restaurant and would be willing to give some to my regular customers.
Honestly, I'll probably need more plants than what I have to give away by the time all is said and done.
Why do they call it "green thumbs"? I was working in the garden today and planting seeds in seedling beds and I can assure you my hands were anything but green.
Hope ya'll are having a good time while I'm still waiting, wishing, waiting to be sure it's ok to plant anything! Minnesota is a weather mystery everyday!!

You need to get those strawberrys trained. When they were planted were they planted in rows, or just put where ever? I plant mine in a row, and when they send out runners I put the runners in the same row makeing that row nice and tight, not really over crowded but tight. Then as the row gets old I will start putting the runners either north or south, maybe both and start making new rows, then till up the old row. I cover mine with straw in the winter, and when I uncover them in the spring I leave some at the base of the plants to act as weed control. If you dig them up there are people that buy strawberry plants. They make great container plants.
Just checking in. I think it's green thumbs cuz if things don't grow they turn brown.

I checked for buds on all the berry bushes I planted and it looks good. It's supposed to warm up this week. I was concerned for the raspberries cuz it's a little wet where they are. Heck it's wet everywhere. I will be building hills for everything. But they are stilll alive thank the Lord. Now if I get a few berries I'll be happy.

the lilacs are doing good too. I've got one I expect will flower this year. At least I wouldn't be surprised.

Going to start some Swill Chard and lettuce and spinach.

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