Green thumb is itching, anyone else?


I have a baby tomato in the garden!!! The plant is so full and healthy that I didn't even see it until I was watering this morning and it's already bigger than an egg.

My garden is really tiny but it looks like it's going to give some food this year.
Most of our veggie garden is in now,

Today I planted enough zucchini to make mom happy, and feed a few blocks....
Queen - that's why I had to do raised beds. I just can't dig out all the pieces of tarvia in the yard. I am or will be cleaning out junk forever.

I'd like to get going and plant things but truth is I've been sick and have chicks and chickens to move. I just gave away a bunch of older hens and some chicks. Unfortunately no one here wants to buy roosters and I paid good money for the chicks. I've got some really nice SFH roosters. I don't think they'll ever be big enough to eat.

I did buy some packs of flower seeds at the dollar store and i will just turn the soil as best I can and toss the seeds and cover them. I did that once at our old house and I had some real nice flowers along the walk that year.

I plan to make some plastic green house tops for my raised beds. Just need to get the fencing in the right size. Queen that is what upsets me about these rolls of fencing. If they weren't so rusted out I could use it. This is the old stuff too. Much heavier than what you buy these days.
Sorry you haven't been feeling well I wish I lived closer I would come over and help get your garden planted.Maybe you should contact the Boy Scout troop in your area and see if any of them are working on a merit badge .Given some supervision it might work. We all have to help each other in this world.The problem is that's what we have gotten away from.

I had a bunch of flower seeds I purchased last year at the end of the season , I took them all (7 packs) and mixed them together in a bowl and scattered them in my one "junk" garden yesterday can't wait to see what grows.

Queen - that's why I had to do raised beds. I just can't dig out all the pieces of tarvia in the yard. I am or will be cleaning out junk forever.

I'd like to get going and plant things but truth is I've been sick and have chicks and chickens to move. I just gave away a bunch of older hens and some chicks. Unfortunately no one here wants to buy roosters and I paid good money for the chicks. I've got some really nice SFH roosters. I don't think they'll ever be big enough to eat.

I did buy some packs of flower seeds at the dollar store and i will just turn the soil as best I can and toss the seeds and cover them. I did that once at our old house and I had some real nice flowers along the walk that year.

I plan to make some plastic green house tops for my raised beds. Just need to get the fencing in the right size. Queen that is what upsets me about these rolls of fencing. If they weren't so rusted out I could use it. This is the old stuff too. Much heavier than what you buy these days.
Queen - thanks about the boys scouts. I never thought about them. It would be nice to get the big junk out of the woods. It is a protected wet land back there. I don't expect to change it much but would like the junk out. Old tires and things can leach lead into the soil which as we know ends up in our water.

I agree with helping each other which is why I have no prob. giving away chicks and hens or whatever. I'm big on trading and all that.

take care and have a nice day.

I took a few pictures of my tomatoes and marigolds today...didn't take any of my peppers for some reason. I have a feeling my plants are a little too leggy, but hopefully they'll all grow up just fine.

I'm pretty sure I have 57 tomato plants and 36 marigolds.

I am almost ready to start my herbs. I planted some black radish but the darn snails/slugs found them. I'm having all sorts of bad luck with them this year. My decolate snail population has exploded but they don't seem to be eating any of the brown snails - I do believe they are living together in peace and harmony - whilst EATING my stuff!

Just a few of the seeds I got for this year:

Roselle - the type of hibiscus that is used for jamaica (Latin sweet drink that is beet red)
"Ailsa Craig Onion" - globes can get up to 8" in diameter
Brazillian Orange Oval Eggplant
Poona Kheera Cucumber - originally from India with fat fruit that change from white, yellow, then brown when ripe
Witch Hazel
Wild Bergamot
Cassabanana - vine that I hope to get 12"-24" long bright red fruit that is aromatic like melons
Albino Beets - both white skin and flesh
Romanesco Cauliflower - this is a crazy geometric shaped flower, for my husband, because I can't stand this stuff

Rosa Bianca Eggplant - small rose to mauve colored fruits
Pyrethrum Chrysanthemum - for pest control (FINGERS CROSSED
Rainbow Blend Carrots - white, yellow, orange, red, purple
German Chamomile
Mexican Breadfruit
Black Spanish Radish
Creeping Thyme - for my walkway

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