Green watery poop?


In the Brooder
Jul 14, 2015
First it's super hot here in Michigan and I've been trying my best to keep them cool, but they are still constantly hot and panting. I recently switched from "game bird blend" to a grower feed (they are around 10 weeks old) I just noticed that their normal poop (black with white spot) just turned into projectile water poop. It seems to be that they have lost weight over the weekend. We left and had a friend take care of them. We just cleaned and changed all of the bedding. I'm thinking about mixing some frozen Gatorade into their water. I honestly have no idea what to do. I have heard of some types of antibiotics. There is no way I could convince my dad to spend money on a vet so I need over the counter products only :( I'm really scared for them. I have 9 4 Rhode Island reds 4 white ones and a turkey. We have been pretty vigilant for black head on the turkey and it doesn't appear to be sick. Also one of them is breathing really really loudly. Sounds almost like a guy trying to sing a high note just a whistle like noise but the breathing doesn't seem to be obstructed because it's breathing a lot of air in and out.
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Make sure the feed is 18-20% protein, and you can feed some of the previous gamebird feed as a treat. Eggs, canned tuna, hamburger, and a good dry cat food (not canned) can add protein to the diet. Try a fan in their coop if possible. Keep multible pans of water in shaded areas all around, and add poultry electrolytes daily or every other day while temps are hot. Frozen water bottles in the water or changing it a couple times a day can help.

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