Green Worm identification (photos attached)


In the Brooder
Sep 27, 2015
I was cleaning up around the yard and found this freshly dropped from one of my girls. I've tried looking up what type of worm it is but I am unsure. I can't seem to find any other pictures of tapeworms or roundworms that are this gross green color. Is there another type I'm missing? I would like to treat the girls right away, and they are not laying currently, so any medication suggestions are welcomed, too. They have never been wormed previously.
are you sure its a worm?

ETA - it looks gelatinous, and see-through
It was see through. But it definitely had an outer casing holding all of its insides in. In the parts I could see though it had dirt/crud filling it. It was about 6 inches long. At first I just thought it was some really gross poo, but upon further *ick* inspection, it seemed like a dead worm.
I'm wondering if it's a malformed shell-less egg. Not any worm I've ever seen. Are all the chickens acting normally? If so, I'd just watch to see if it happens again. Sometimes when they are coming back into lay they will have glitches until their system gets back into swing. May not happen again. However, if someone is acting unwell, then I'd look further for something else going on. May sound gross, but when I find weird things I examine them and take them apart to try to determine what it really is. You can wear gloves, best way I know to try to figure out something I've not seen before.
Looks like something a friend of mine was going on about called rope worms. I don't even know if rope worms are an actual thing, if you Google it you'll understand why i say that and do know you'll see alot of poop if you do .The pictures just looked similar and i remembered her talking about it...and of course all the poo pictures. :sick
Looks like something a friend of mine was going on about called rope worms. I don't even know if rope worms are an actual thing, if you Google it you'll understand why i say that and do know you'll see alot of poop if you do .The pictures just looked similar and i remembered her talking about it...and of course all the poo pictures. :sick
Wow, that's a new one for me! Never heard of it, learn something new every day. Didn't find any info on whether chickens could be a host, most says it's a human parasite. I'm still leaning towards an egg issue though.

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