Greenhouse for pheasants


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 21, 2012
I finally got my coturnix settled into their new home. They are my first batch of poultry and I have fallen in love! I have been considering getting a pair of red golden pheasants and was hoping for thoughts on this greenhouse as an enclosure.
I have one in my backyard and would rather use this than make a whole new aviary. I would provide two of these hutches inside and lock them at night.
My chief concern, of course, is a predator getting into the greenhouse during the day. I am in illinois so all I get are racoons, opossums, some owls, and house cats. Any opinions on how secure the greenhouse would be are appreciated. There are NO toxic plants inside (I checked already) and the house stays nice and toasty year-round.
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Come on, I know people are looking at this
. Any help is appreciated whether it be a motivational cat poster or legitimate poultry-keeping advice.
Nowhere near an expert but I'll chime in my thoughts
I don't think it would be that predator safe.I know my dogs could crash through that in a second and unfortunately the birds probably couldn't get out so they would be sitting ducks. Unless you yard has other fencing? If you want to use it I would at least line it in hardware cloth or make a run inside using it only to keep out the weather elements.I'm not sure how much they run but the prices I've seen on some pheasants, peacocks ect... I wouldn't want to take a risk unless they are in an area where people or your own dogs would detour a predator.
My yard has basic 4 foot tall chain link fencing. It really does nothing to keep out predators. The pheasants can be a bit pricey. The ones I had my eye on were (supposedly) pure golden pheasant, though the goldenhersts are cheaper (did I spell that right?). I was looking at $5 an egg (a little much if you ask me, but it's from a friend).
I wouldn't recommend that greenhouse for pheasants. (1) Predators can easily just rip through if they know the birds are in there. (2) That green tarp material (or whatever you call it) looks like it can get weathered and once it starts breaking down, your birds will just break through and you'll never see them again. (3) There doesn't appear to be any ventilation unless those "windows" are it.
If you already have the greenhouse, I would put it inside a predator proof run and go for it. That would mean you wouldn't need the hutches. If you leave it closed up it would be too hot in the summer and too humid in the winter, but ventilation towards the top and a free run "poop door" should alleviate that problem. It wouldn't be as warm but you don't need it warm in winter, just protected. It might work out really well for you and if it doesn't, it won't do harm. Except maybe to the greenhouse. Above is concerning pheasants, I'm not sure of the temperature requirements of the quail.

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