Greetings from the farm!


6 Years
May 30, 2013
East TN
I'm new to this forum, but not to chickens. I've been around them off an on most of my life, and I have had my own flock for about 6 years now. Currently have have a mixed flock of 2 ameraucanas, 2 easter eggers, a gold star, a SL wyandotte, a cochin cross, and an ameraucana roo. I also have a handful of 3 week old chicks of assorted breeds.

I live in East TN and call my farm Wildflower Valley Farm. Besides chickens, I have rabbits, ducks, dogs, cats, horses, goats, and a husband. I work in an office in a nursing facility, but farming is my passion. Not large-scale farming, just working toward being as self-sufficient as possible.
Greetings from Kansas, WildflowerVF, and
! Happy you joined us! Lots of folks going the more self-sufficient route. Good luck to you!

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