Greetings from the Rainy Northwest!


9 Years
Apr 19, 2010
Tacoma, WA
I've been a member for a few months, but this is my first post! I've been reading and studying because I want to set up a small coop in the spring. We're limited here in Pierce County as to the number of hens we can have on our property so I need to do this right. I would like to get only 3 or 4 hens. I do have the breeds narrowed down that I'm interested in. (Marans, Auracauna or Americauna, blue egg layer, and a Wyandotte) I will not be breeding or showing. I want friendly hens, good layers and pretty eggs. These will be pets. I'd like a good lead on how to find the best breeders in the area so I can be certain to obtain nice, purebred hens. How do we find poultry clubs so I can begin networking now? Any help would be MUCH appreciated! TIA!

Hi neighbor! Welcome from Graham/Eatonville area. You will have a load of chickens within 2 months of getting your first few I bet! You will get so hooked. Check out the thread(where am I where are you) Washinngton. There are folks local that can answer lots of questions. Glad your here! Shoot, I just got rid of my maran hens this week but if you want a BCM roo I will give you one if you want him. He will go to auction next week.
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Hi neighbor! Welcome from Graham/Eatonville area. You will have a load of chickens within 2 months of getting your first few I bet! You will get so hooked. Check out the thread(where am I where are you) Washinngton. There are folks local that can answer lots of questions. Glad your here! Shoot, I just got rid of my maran hens this week but if you want a BCM roo I will give you one if you want him. He will go to auction next week.

Thank you for the welcome - we ARE neighbors! I did check out the Washington thread - I think it's going to be very helpful. Timing is everything, I haven't got my coop set up yet so wouldn't have had a place for your maran hens darn it. And as much as I'd *like* a rooster, don't think I can have one where I live. Maybe we'll have opportunity to meet in the spring when I'm ready for my girls though!​
from across the mountains! I used to live in graham and lakewood, so know pierce county pretty well!
there are several shows put on here in washington, I myself am just getting started in that aspect of "chickening"
Its fabulous fun!

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