Greetings From the Reno/Sparks, NV area!


9 Years
Sep 8, 2010
Jeffersonville, IN
Hi all,

Long time chicken crazed lover here. I found your site today looking for anyone giving away laying hens in the Reno/Sparks, NV area and I could not believe my eyes! I love this site. I have spent the last two hours just engrossed in looking at all of the pictures and posts from everyone.

I have raised chickens since I was 12 years old when I lived in Maine and I have always loved them. The unfortunate part is that when I moved away from Maine back in 92 I only lived in city areas that either did not allow for raising chickens or I did not have the room myself. I moved to the Reno/Sparks, NV area about 10 years ago and have been trying to talk my husband into letting me have chickens for years now but until this year I was not very successful.

A little bit of background, I'm Nikki, I'm married and have two wonderful monster boys that are 3 and 5. I worked in the computer industry for about 20 years and finally quit to be a stay at home Mom 5 years ago. I co-own MillerWater with my parents and I help run our business from the convenience of my home unfortunately because we lost our store in December due to the economy falling through the proverbial floor. We still have the business though so we're blessed with that. On top of that, I homeschool our boys who are in Kindergarten and 1st grade this year. I love gardening and farming, I have a small veggie garden outside, every last cranny filled with Aero and Hydro gardens in house, I also am breeding English Mastiffs and hopefully next summer I will be adding Korean Mastiffs to the mix. So yeah I try to stay as busy as possible.

I am currently in the process of building a 4X8 Coop and I was fortunate enough to pick up 6 laying hens from Craig's but I am hoping to add about 25 more birds to that group. I am a big fan of the Heavy Breeds and I do not think my husband knows just how far my obsession reaches. *LOL*

Anyway, thanks for letting me share. Hopefully I can hook up with some locals on the site and talk chicken with the rest of you lovely chicken fanciers.


I am totally jealous now... we were looking at farms in MO about 5 years ago and came really close to moving a couple of times. My Mom's family is from there. It is absolutely gorgeous. I am a greenery person. Growing up in the lush forests of Maine how can you not love green. Before my husband and I moved here I lived in Raleigh, NC, again SUPER GREEN. But my parents moved here and then wanted me to move closer. I miss the green and I try really hard to turn my little 1/3 of an acre into something even remotely resembling a green garden but after 7 years we're barely green except for the 1 month in spring when the weeds first come in. *LOL*

We are hoping to get on some decent acreage by next summer though. We're looking at a minimum of 40 acres, but we're kind of in a catch 20-20. We have a piece of property that we need to sell for $150k and with the current market it's only valued at $78k but on the other hand with the current market finding a 40+ acre parcel with a nice sized house, etc. is really great but we can't buy until we get rid of the one we already have. hehe

Oh well we'll see how it goes. I am still very jealous of your move to MO.
I totally missed that 14 hens off of CL's last week but I am glad to see they went to another chicken fan. And you have the same argument my Mom does about living back east or in greenery states. She cannot handle the humidity. She loves the dry air. My skin doesn't, I can suck up a whole bottle of lotion and a half hour later it feels like I could use more. Maine is severely humid during August, but I think Thailand was the worst place I have ever been with humidity. You can actually put your hand out in the air and it obtains a light mist of moisture on it from the humidity. Beautiful country but way too humid.

My parents live out in Lemmon Valley and just love it out there. I was actually looking out there and around Antelope Valley, it is super quiet and friendly out there.
from Missouri!

I moved to Missouri from Nevada four years ago. I lived 90 minutes west of Las Vegas for six years. Very hot and dry, but the view of Mt. Charleston was beautiful. I/we wanted to have animals, so we moved somewhere that had green grass and water!!!
We were planning to move to northern Nevada, but then we found a farm in Missouri for a price we just couldn't pass up, and here we are!
Please don't be jealous...

I think you'll really enjoy BYC. It's very informative and fun.
Although you'll find yourself wanting more and more chickens!
Don't say I didn't warn ya!
Oh hi, other new person from Reno! I got 14 almost-laying probably hens off of Craigslist last week - I probably snatched them up right before you did!

I must say, you're nuts for missing the green! I'm from Memphis and I never want to live down at sea level in the humidity again. Memphis is 100x worse than Maine in the summer, though.

I also had chickens when I was a kid, and I've missed them for years too. We just bought a house in Lemmon Valley and I actually brought the chickens to the house a couple days before we even moved in!

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