Grit every day?

Autumn Mama

10 Years
Mar 15, 2009
British Columbia,
We have our flock in a coop + run most of the day, and I have been giving them grit a few times/week. Do they need the grit more regularly, like maybe not allowing the grit to run out?

Each day I provide them with fresh greens, scraps, and they come out in the yard to forage. This is in addition to their organic feed. They are 13-15 weeks, so not laying yet either.

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I offer it free choice, as many on here seem to do. Some of mine eat it much more than others; my older, free range flock rarely touches it.
I keep my chickens in a run as well. I put some grit in a bowl and just leave it out in the run. They get it when they want. I don't have to add any grit to the bowl very often. It's actually so rare I can't remember how often, but it's probably every few weeks or so. I put some greens, old bread, and some feed from my steers out in their run from time to time.
Yes, I've definitely noticed that when I offer it in a bowl, some of them gobble it down like I'd just invented the world's best treat! And then my three BLRW's rarely touch it.

I think I will begin to keep a bowl out in the run undercover where they can access it anytime. That seems like the most sensible choice. I know they access some gravel and soil particles that likely contain grit around the farm/yard, but it's not consistent.

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