Grit for ducklings


8 Years
Feb 23, 2015
Northeastern Ontario
Since I was unable to get small oyster shells I've been straining the hens oyster shells. But, its a lot of work. And I'm almost out.
By chance can I feed my month old ducklings crushed chicken shells?
Not worried about the egg laying, just want to make sure their food is getting digested.
They've had some shredded lettuce. But, we're taking a break from it because they were getting diarrhea. Scrambled eggs are a hit too!
What you want is grit either chick grit or reg poultry grit Oyster shell is for laying birds and egg shells are also for layers. Young ducklings don't need the extra calcium that oyster shells and egg shells give them.
Get the grit and then offer shredded lettuce and scrambled egg. Just place a small bowl of grit close to their feed bowl they will use it as needed.

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