

7 Years
Jul 9, 2012
We have three groundhogs (beavercats, according to my daughter) that live on our yard because the neighboring farmer shoots them.

The groundhogs have just been stealing the food and water from the founts when the birds are out of their tractor. This morning though the groundhog was busy digging to try and get under. I have hardware cloth on the bottom of the tractor but, I don't want to feed the groundhogs.

I don't really want to shoot them, any other suggestions??
I don't know all your circumstances. Some people live where they could call animal control and maybe get some help, but for may of us, that is not an option. We have to deal with it ourselves.

With pests like this (and I would call them pests, not predators) you have four basic options. One is to just to let them go and deal with the consequences.

One is to kill them.

One is to try to fence them out.

The fourth is to trap them and relocate them. In many if not all areas, relocation to anywhere other than your property is probably illegal unless you go through animal control. To me there are all kinds of moral reasons to not relocate an animal. You can spread disease, you can dump a problem with a trap-smart animal onto someone else, the animal will probably have to fight to carve out a new territory if it is not killed and eaten immediately, and others.

I can't tell you what to do in your specific circumstances. I grew up watching Disney but even as child I knew the difference in a TV animal and a real life wild animal. I've killed two ground hogs this year to keep them out of my garden. But it is your personal decision.
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I've heard (and yes, I'm serious) that if you pee down into the tunnel/hole, that will make them want to go elsewhere. That's what folks in this area say anyhow. I've not personally tested this method out (lol) because we only have one groundhog around here that I've encountered, and he's stayed off in the field/barn area. And I wonder that even if it did work, would he/she just tunnel adjacent to the urine infested one??? If we ever need to, I'll volunteer DH to try it, because I'm not squatting over a groundhog hole
Can you cover the bottom of the tractor with strong wire mesh? That will stop them getting in and solve you problem.

They are such cute animals I love to see them around as much as my chickens!

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