Growin' them thar coyotes big around here this year


The "have been known" is true as I've said before, it has happened, but as the population of coyotes increases, they prefer their own species--for one reason the fertility cycles of coyotes and dogs is different.
BTW, when you use the "word-link" you have to replace "YourLinkGoesHere" with the new url. I can see when I quote you that you didn't do that. That's why the link won't work.
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woodmort wrote :BTW, when you use the "word-link" you have to replace "YourLinkGoesHere" with the new url. I can see when I quote you that you didn't do that. That's why the link won't work.

Thanks a bunch, I think that is excactly what I'm doing wrong.

Ok I know you keep reading research and won't agree with me but I'm telling you they do breed in the wild. I've been hunting since I was tiny and so has my brother. We both have killed many coy-dogs. I guess we will have to agree to disagree. Here let me try this link and let me know if I did it right...
Well, their you have it Woodmort, you just acknowledged " have been known " thats a little different than your saying earlier in this thread..." not in the wild " do coydogs exist.
Thats all myself and Show Me The Chick are saying....They do exist in the wild. No one said there were packs of coydogs running amuck.
Yep, we disagree, but the facts are the facts..
At this point, I'm thinking "agree to disagree"
Thanks a bunch, I think that is excactly what I'm doing wrong.

Ok I know you keep reading research and won't agree with me but I'm telling you they do breed in the wild. I've been hunting since I was tiny and so has my brother. We both have killed many coy-dogs. I guess we will have to agree to disagree. Here let me try this link and let me know if I did it right...

First, yes you did it right and I was able to follow that link. Many of those pictures look more like just plain dogs than coyote/dog crosses --notice that last line in the WI DNR quote you posted. There are, in some areas (but not in the wooded Northeast) where packs of feral dogs not only are running free but breeding in the wild and very dangerous to stock and humans. (I had a good friend who lived just outside Austin TX that was scared to death of the pack in her area.) These are not coydogs, however, just plain dogs which will breed in the wild and get family pets or abandon animals added to their packs. They will more than likely hunt in larger groups than true coyotes as well. I suspect as well as these dogs interbreed willy nilly they will revert to a "dog" type that resembles the wild dogs from which they evolved. (Check out some of the wild dog links, especially through National Geographic. ) and this one is especially interesting when read with your link
BTW, I never said that the two wouldn't cross in the wild(see my history in Post #37), I've pointed out a number of times that this happens at the leading edge of their migration, it is just that these cross do not survive for any length of time and true coyotes prefer their own species. Eventually as more coyotes move in the coyote/dog cross die out. The thing is right here and right now, if it looks like a coyote then it is pure bred or a coywolf according to all DNA studies done on them.
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mmaddie's mom :

I know, huh? Just get a gun and shoot the things, already!

Who? coyotes or the argumentative posters?!? SSS?

WAIT... WAIT... just kidding!


Oh, no - I love these posters. I WANT them to have a place like this to vent on each other...

Of course I meant the coyotedogwolfcritterthingies.

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