

10 Years
Apr 28, 2009
This weekend my DH and I went to church camp. My aunt and little cousin were nominated to care for my babies while we were gone. They did an amazing job...but when I returned home my babies were oh so BIG

When we left on Friday, they were still fully fuzz, and on Sunday they have feathers on the wings, chest and tail. How can they grow that fast?? LOL. I have also noticed that their feathers have that beautiful green tint on them...
. That was the main reason I went with Cayuga, because I just love their color. I'm hoping they will turn out to have lots of green.

Anyways here are a few pics of their growth.





Eating evening snack...carrots. But their favorite is tomatoes.

I will try to get some pictures of the "color" later this evening and post. They're at that stage where they look like they need a good hair cut.

**And I was also glad to see that the white/yellow on their chest has turned to black now that the new adult feathers are coming through! **
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They are so cute, look like little teenagers :p
it always looked to me like the babies are covered in soft fluffy fur before their feathers grow in
I got them on April 30th and the previous owner sold them to me because their mother had gotten killed by an unknown predator. The previous owner said that they had been with their mom for about 2 weeks when she got killed and then without her for 1 week when I got them. So, I'm guessing they're roughly 7 weeks old but I'm guessing. The previous owner didn't know exactly how old they were, bc her ducks are free range and the mother brought them out for the first time, the 2nd week of April.
they're a heck of a whole lot younger than 7 weeks,

what are they Cayugas??

are those pics recent?

at 7 weeks, even Cayugas would be FULLY feathered, no fuzz at all.

they look to be to only be about 2 1/2 - 3 weeks.

unless they are REALLY slow feathering, and or Muscovies, wich take 8 weeks to fully feather.

but they're still cute!

ETA: sorry, I hadn't payed attention to what they were, so they are Cayuga, either way unless they're just really slow to feather, they're much younger than 7 weeks.
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Well I know they are at least 3 weeks, bc I've had them that long. And the previous owner said the mom got killed a week before I got them. So that makes them 4 and she said they were about 2-3 wks at the time she got killed. So maybe 5-6 wks...

I will take some pics of them today and post, then you can give me your thoughts...Bc i really have no idea exactlly how old they are

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