Growing something in the run


In the Brooder
May 21, 2023
So my chickens have a very large fenced in area. Half is fully covered on 3 sides with a roof where there is 2 coops. They have a chicken door to the other half which is a fenced run.
My issue is with the outside fenced area. It used to be pasture but they have decimated the grass so it's mainly dirt. I want to plant something to grow they can feed on. I will make the wood and wire covers so they do not decimate it again. But what should I plant? Obviously it's summer and anything I throw out there will need watered until fall. Ideas?

they only decimate the grass because there's too many birds in the space, and the same will happen to anything else you plant there that they can eat if you don't change things.

If you increase the amount of space they have access to, or reduce the numbers of birds, your grass will not only grow but grow better than it does without them, because they will scarify it, debug it, and feed it, just by living on it and looking for food in and on it.
So my chickens have a very large fenced in area. Half is fully covered on 3 sides with a roof where there is 2 coops. They have a chicken door to the other half which is a fenced run.
My issue is with the outside fenced area. It used to be pasture but they have decimated the grass so it's mainly dirt. I want to plant something to grow they can feed on. I will make the wood and wire covers so they do not decimate it again. But what should I plant? Obviously it's summer and anything I throw out there will need watered until fall. Ideas?

Decimate, meaning cut by 1/10th is the wrong word. Chickens will destroy, savage, and devestate anything in a fenced run.

If you want to give them some fodder, I would suggest radish sprouts, broccoli sprouts, wheat grass, something like that. They grow quickly and you can make patches for the birds by moving around the wood/wire cover.

Don’t expect anything to be hardy enough to survive the small, winged destroyers of vegetation.
vegetation does fine if you don't overstock
I have a couple of rotational pens, which are allowed to recover from the chickens. I don’t plant anything, I just let Mother Nature take care of that, with various weeds and grasses. I don’t let them stay in long enuf to decimate these areas. Then it’s always a treat for them to spend a day or two foraging… IMG_4224.jpeg
I have to say. I came on here for an answer to my question on what to grow I am taken back on being told I am using the wrong term or questioning what I have said in general. The comments are quite condescending. Or is that the wrong use of the word?

I have 9 hens and a rooster who have 100 Sq ft per bird. They had 10 acres of pasture but chose to come to the house and decimate my plants (there's the word again). I have screens that will be placed over what I plant so this is not an issue again. So I will try a second time. What should I plant? Just grass.
I came to give suggestions, but I'm also now really excited to check out that thread posted above!

Right now, my girls are in a predator-proofed 20'x8' run attached to their coop (with an automatic door in between, so they can go outside every morning whether I have shoes on or not, lol). But I am going to have a further outside fenced space around it as soon as I can. I'm planning on shrubs and trees, which will be protected from chickens until well estavlished (I usually use a ring of welded wire fencing, secured to a Tpost or piece of rebar): mulberry, black currant, honeyberry, raspberry, elderberry, and maybe a peach tree and/or grapevine. I've got some comfrey planted already, and will probably do a variety of herbs transplanted in from other garden areas of my yard (also with protection).

The ground in the run is covered in a deep layer of wood chips (free from a tree company), and I love it so much I'm going to do the same with the fenced area. to avoid the problem of trying to keep them from scratching up (or, yeah, decimating) all the grass and clover.

Some of my ideas tend to be modeled after a favorite youtube channel (it's Edible Acres, if I'm allowed to mention that; if I'm not, my apologies, and I will happily edit that out. I have no personal connection to it - I just love his permaculture philosophy and his soothing voice)

Good luck!
I made an assumption that OP was doing the “standard 10sq ft of run per bird” thing. In which case vegetation is usually an issue. A quick growing sprout would be nice fodder in that case.

I range my 9 over an acre and have no issues, so point conceded.
yes 'very large' leaves everything to the imagination, but eating the grass to destruction demonstrates overstocking, as is usual with confined birds, as you say.

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