growth where comb meets the beak


8 Years
Feb 22, 2011
Spokane, WA
I cant say for sure when i first spied this, but its been more than 2 months. Hen is either 2 or 3 years old and otherwise seems quite happy and healthy. Not sure she is laying right now but everyone is just slowly coming back into lay after hard fall molt and cold dark winter.

Any gusses? Or " oh i know exactly what that is"?

Eta: cant seem to get the photo to post from tablet! Still trying...
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Here we go!
I can't say that I know what that is. Some guesses would be a tumor, or possibly a canker infection, which is a protozoan infection. Canker is treated with metronidazole (fish zole , Flagyl.)
Thanks. I looked up cankers and investigated images and found nothing resembling my hens growth.

I hadnt thought about a tumor. There appears to be a scab like thing covering the opening. I'm resisting the urge to pick it off!

I'm guessing if it is a tumor, she will eventually need to be culled.

Rats. She's sweet.

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