Grrrr SO mad at myself.


8 Years
May 18, 2011
Dixon Missouri
I went out and penned up our hens. I had some attacked last night. It only seems to happen when I do not get the coops locked up or open them up to early.

Well last night I had 1 hen and my Main roo scattered all over the yard. Not literally but one over here one over there. Hen was in good shape just a bit scared as I accidently let my dog go out with me in case it was a coon well he found the hen. About an hour later heard another chicken throwing a fit by the bathroom window. SO back out I go. It's my main roo. I went to poke him as he looked dead and ended up with him in my face. He was a little beat up one side of his face was swollen due to the attack.

Well I cooped everyone up tonight but didn't see Mr. Wobbles. I figured after the attack he went and roosted in a tree somewhere.

I heard the dog bark so went outside to check the hens. Well I put everyone in one coop tonight hoping that lil bro roo might help protect them as Mr Wobbles was not around. So I left the other run and coop open as no one was in it. Well I go out to see Mr wobbles take his last breath and hear something run off.

He was in the nest box with half of one side of his face/head missing.

I'm thinking Coons but not sure any input. The big Hens/roo are large fowl I don't think the neighbors Cat could do the type of damage I saw. I'd take pics but It's a bit Graphic.

Any Thoughts?
It's odd that they only mess with them when the coops are open. That and the one is the farthest from the house. I have lost 3 hens out of the one coop. Will borrow the live trap tomorrow. I'll save some of Mr Wobbles to use as bait for the live trap.
Umm, perhaps they 'only mess with them when the coops are open' is because that's when they have access to them?????

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