Guard gosling with Hens


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2020
I have 9 laying hens that will soon be free ranging without complete overhead coverage.
Now I also have one gosling. The hens are terrified of it. It is just over 2 weeks old. Will it still imprint on the hens? It wants to follow me around so I am making sure not to pay much attention to it as I really want it to bond with my hens. I don't want to get a 2nd goose as I have heard mixed things about 2 geese when it comes to guarding chickens. (And the mobile coop doesn't have space for 2 geese)
My geese, two American Buffs, are inseparable and neither wants to bond with the chickens.

They, in fact, are currently squabbling with one of my runner ducks who wants to use the same nesting area the geese -- who are done laying for the year -- were using previously. Fran sits down, they run her off. She comes back, they run her off. Loud honking and squawking takes place for most of the day.

I'm not sure that your gosling will protect your hens. Mine have never shown any inclination to protect anyone except the other goose. Your little gosling sounds lonely; I would not be able to resist bonding with it.
My geese, two American Buffs, are inseparable and neither wants to bond with the chickens.

They, in fact, are currently squabbling with one of my runner ducks who wants to use the same nesting area the geese -- who are done laying for the year -- were using previously. Fran sits down, they run her off. She comes back, they run her off. Loud honking and squawking takes place for most of the day.

I'm not sure that your gosling will protect your hens. Mine have never shown any inclination to protect anyone except the other goose. Your little gosling sounds lonely; I would not be able to resist bonding with it.
That's pretty much the reason I didn't get 2 geese. Everything I've heard from people who have successfully raised guard geese is that they only have one. Otherwise, even with 2, the geese form their own flock and never bond with the chickens.
I also find it interesting that your hens are afraid of the gosling. It's the complete opposite here.

While the geese will "herd" the ducks and steal the best nesting spot, or run a good bluff with a single hen, if more than one chicken at a time approaches Gussie and Golly, the two big bullies run away as fast as they can.

I'd be glad to hear how your situation works out.
Yep...finding another gosling now. Sassafrass is already imprinted on people and needs a friend. Next time I need to raise both chicks and gosling together from the very start.
they are complete divas!
Well that's a word I've never used to describe mine. lol Tyrants might be more appropriate! lol
if more than one chicken at a time approaches Gussie and Golly, the two big bullies run away as fast as they can.
Must be because you don't have a gander. Mine all band together. The original gander is the bravest and actually takes on the interloper, but the rest are all right behind him screaming and posturing.
My rooster is the alarmist here, My geese are wimps except with the birds, [chickens and ducks.] They are def tyrants
My goose doesn't want anyone mating in her property, she has to break it up. They are only involved in each other besides bullying everyone around.
My gander hates my Muscovy drake and vise versa so that is always interesting, at least 1-2 times a day I have to pull them off each other.

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