Guard Rooster

It is unlikely a rooster will be able to protect the flock without injury or death. When selecting a guardian temperament is more valuable then breed, but a chicken large enough to be intimidating/do damage while not being too big and slow would be what I would look for. I have a Barred Rock and an Amberlink roo, one for size and one for speed. Since chicks are cheap and the vet is expensive the only time I'm allowed to take my chickens to the vet is if there are injuries from an animal attack. My main predator is raccoons. They can and have undone latches and killed chickens (the roosters were in a different coop and couldn't reach the others to help, though the Barred Rock lost a lot of tail feathers when a raccoon tried to yank him through the wire) so in addition to thousands of staples, buried wire, a baited live trap, and a .22, we have to padlock the coop doors shut.
From my experince, The rooster i had was meanest one but VERY protective rooster ever. He's a Black Jersey Giant.
He fought the fox before and won the battle with the fox. and of course he got injury.

I heard that Jersey Giants are best of protecting the flock from Raccoons and other smaller animals like size as raccoons and foxes.
but i know that roosters do not have same personailty. but i had one before. Hes soooooooo mean and almost killed my dachound dog.

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